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abduco-0.6 (859B)

      1 /* default command to execute if non is given and $ABDUCO_CMD is unset */
      2 #define ABDUCO_CMD "st"
      3 /* default detach key, can be overriden at run time using -e option */
      4 static char KEY_DETACH = CTRL('\\');
      5 /* redraw key to send a SIGWINCH signal to underlying process
      6  * (set to 0 to disable the redraw key) */
      7 static char KEY_REDRAW = 0;
      8 /* Where to place the "abduco" directory storing all session socket files.
      9  * The first directory to succeed is used. */
     10 static struct Dir {
     11 	char *path;    /* fixed (absolute) path to a directory */
     12 	char *env;     /* environment variable to use if (set) */
     13 	bool personal; /* if false a user owned sub directory will be created */
     14 } socket_dirs[] = {
     15 	{ .path = "/tmp",              false },
     16 	{ .env  = "ABDUCO_SOCKET_DIR", false },
     17 	{ .env  = "HOME",              true  },
     18 	{ .env  = "TMPDIR",            false },
     19 };