goto-ref.lua (1593B)
1 local M = {} 2 3 local focus_or_open = function(file) 4 local realpath = io.popen("realpath " .. file):read("*a"):sub(1, -2) 5 for win in vis:windows() do 6 if win.file and win.file.path == realpath then 7 = win 8 return 9 end 10 end 11 vis:command(":o " .. realpath) 12 end 13 14 M.focus_file_at = function(file, line, col) 15 if file then 16 focus_or_open(file) 17 vis.mode = vis.modes.NORMAL 18 and line or 1, col and col or 1) 19 end 20 end 21 22 M.generate_iterators = function(file_index_table) 23 local current_index = 1; 24 25 local iterate = function(inc) 26 M.focus_file_at(table.unpack(file_index_table[current_index])) 27 current_index = current_index + inc 28 if current_index > #file_index_table then 29 current_index = 1 30 end 31 if current_index < 1 then 32 current_index = #file_index_table 33 end 34 end 35 36 local forward = function() iterate(1) end 37 local backward = function() iterate(-1) end 38 return forward, backward 39 end 40 41 M.generate_line_indices = function(data, filter) 42 local ret = {} 43 for s in data:gmatch("[^\n]*") do 44 local skip = filter and filter(s) 45 if not skip then 46 local found, _, file, line, col = s:find('^([^:]+):([%d]+):?([%d]*):?') 47 if found then table.insert(ret, {file, line, col}) end 48 end 49 end 50 return ret 51 end 52 53 M.setup_iterators_from_text = function(text, filter) 54 if text == nil or #text == 0 then return end 55 local filepairs = M.generate_line_indices(text, filter) 56 if #filepairs then 57 local forward, backward = M.generate_iterators(filepairs) 58 vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, "gn", forward) 59 vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, "gp", backward) 60 end 61 end 62 63 return M