
terminal emulator implemented in OpenGL
git clone anongit@rnpnr.xyz:vtgl.git
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build.sh (2767B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 cc=${CC:-cc}
      4 build=release
      6 for arg in $@; do
      7 	case "$arg" in
      8 	clang)           cc=clang              ;;
      9 	gcc)             cc=gcc                ;;
     10 	debug)           build=debug           ;;
     11 	optimized_debug) build=optimized_debug ;;
     12 	fuzz)            build=fuzz            ;;
     13 	fuzz_llvm)       build=fuzz_llvm       ;;
     14 	fuzz_results)    build=fuzz_results    ;;
     15 	release)         build=release         ;;
     16 	*) echo "usage: $0 [release|debug|optimized_debug|fuzz] [gcc|clang]"; exit 1 ;;
     17 	esac
     18 done
     20 version="$(git describe --dirty --always)-${build}"
     22 cflags="-march=native -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -DVERSION=\"${version}\""
     23 #cflags="${cflags} -fproc-stat-report"
     24 #cflags="${cflags} -Rpass-missed=.*"
     25 #cflags="${cflags} -fsanitize=address,undefined"
     26 ldflags="-lm -lGL -lglfw -lX11"
     28 testcflags="-march=native -Wall -ggdb -D_DEBUG -DVERSION=test -I."
     29 testcflags="${testcflags} -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-undefined-internal"
     30 testcflags="${testcflags} -fsanitize=address,undefined"
     32 export ASAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1:halt_on_error=1:symbolize=0:max_malloc_fill_size=$((1<<30))"
     34 [ ! -s "./config.h" ] && cp config.def.h config.h
     36 case ${build} in
     37 debug)
     38 	cflags="${cflags} -O0 -ggdb -D_DEBUG -Wno-unused-function -Wno-undefined-internal"
     39 	build_lib=1
     40 	;;
     41 optimized_debug)
     42 	cflags="${cflags} -O3 -ggdb -D_DEBUG -Wno-unused-function -Wno-undefined-internal"
     43 	build_lib=1
     44 	;;
     45 release)
     46 	cflags="${cflags} -O3"
     47 	;;
     48 fuzz)
     49 	input=tests/llvm_fuzz_corpus
     50 	[ ! -d ${input} ] && input=tests/fuzz_in
     51 	afl-clang-fast ${testcflags} -O3 -o tests/test-fuzz tests/test-fuzz.c
     52 	AFL_SKIP_CPUFREQ=1 AFL_AUTORESUME=1 afl-fuzz -o tests/fuzz_out -i tests/llvm_fuzz_corpus ./tests/test-fuzz
     53 	exit 0
     54 	;;
     55 fuzz_llvm)
     56 	clang ${testcflags} -O0 -fsanitize=fuzzer,address,undefined -o tests/test-fuzz tests/test-fuzz.c
     57 	input=tests/llvm_fuzz_corpus
     58 	if [ ! -d ${input} ]; then
     59 		mkdir -p tests/llvm_fuzz_corpus
     60 		# NOTE(rnp): libFuzzer can't handle arbitrary utf-8 inputs and seems
     61 		# to leak memory at startup (gg llvm devs)
     62 		./tests/test-fuzz -detect_leaks=0 -merge=1 tests/llvm_fuzz_corpus tests/fuzz_in
     63 	else
     64 		./tests/test-fuzz tests/llvm_fuzz_corpus
     65 	fi
     66 	exit 0
     67 	;;
     68 fuzz_results)
     69 	${cc} ${testcflags} -DFUZZ_RESULTS -O0 tests/test-fuzz.c -o tests/test-fuzz-results
     70 	set -e
     71 	for file in tests/fuzz_out/default/crashes/id*; do
     72 		echo ${file}
     73 		./tests/test-fuzz-results "${file}"
     74 	done
     75 	#for file in tests/llvm_fuzz_corpus/*; do
     76 	#	echo ${file}
     77 	#	./tests/test-fuzz-results "${file}"
     78 	#done
     79 	exit 0
     80 	;;
     81 *)
     82 	echo unsupported build type: ${build}
     83 	exit 1
     84 	;;
     85 esac
     87 [ ${build_lib} ] && ${cc} ${cflags} -fPIC vtgl.c -o vtgl.so ${ldflags} -shared
     88 ${cc} ${cflags} -o vtgl platform_linux_x11.c ${ldflags}
     89 ${cc} ${testcflags} -O0 -o tests/test tests/test.c