Commit: 202d3efba68441fd119a6897f4d7a712aa2ac4eb
Parent: 08a0528f30ef95c71d8ac645a58d552ca74b7c03
Author: Hugo O. Rivera
Date: Sun, 14 May 2023 10:33:22 -0600
Add Rust and Python linters and fixers that take input from stdin
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
@@ -3,13 +3,23 @@ linters["bash"] = {"shellcheck -"}
linters["json"] = {"jq"}
linters["lua"] = {"luacheck --no-color -"}
linters["man"] = {"mandoc -T lint"}
-linters["python"] = {"ruff", "mypy --strict"}
-linters["rust"] = {"cargo check", "cargo clippy"}
+linters["python"] = {
+ "black --check -",
+ "isort --check -",
+ "pylint --from-stdin stdin_from_vis",
+ "flake8 -",
+ "ruff -",
+ -- The shell must support process substitution
+ -- Try setting vis' shell to "sh" with "set shell sh"
+ --
+ "mypy <(cat)"
+linters["rust"] = {"rustfmt --check", "clippy-driver -"}
fixers = {}
fixers["json"] = {"jq -c"}
-fixers["python"] = {"black", "isort", "ruff --fix"}
-fixers["rust"] = {"cargo fmt", "cargo clippy --fix"}
+fixers["python"] = {"black -", "isort -", "ruff --fix -"}
+fixers["rust"] = {"rustfmt"}
-- Clear vis:message window before running?
run_actions_on_file = function(action, actions, file, modify)