
lynx-like text mode web browser
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      1 /* Automatically generated by gen-intl */
      3 static const struct {
      4 	const char *name;
      5 } translation[] = {
      6   { "us-ascii" },
      7   { "English" },
      8   { "en" },
      9   { "en_US,en_GB,en_AU,en_CA,en_IN,en_IE,en_MT,en_NZ,en_PH,en_SG,en_ZA" },
     10   { "ISO-8859-1" },
     11   { "OK" },
     12   { "Cancel" },
     13   { "Bad number" },
     14   { "Number expected in field" },
     15   { "Number out of range" },
     16   { "Bad string" },
     17   { "Empty string not allowed" },
     18   { "Bad IP address" },
     19   { "Invalid IP address syntax" },
     20   { "Unable to use local IP address" },
     21   { "Config error" },
     22   { "Unable to write to config file" },
     23   { "Home directory inaccessible" },
     24   { "Bookmark error" },
     25   { "Unable to write to bookmark file" },
     26   { "About" },
     27   { "Links " VERSION "\n\nText and graphics WWW browser" },
     28   { "Version" },
     29   { "Version information" },
     30   { "Links version" },
     31   { "Operating system type" },
     32   { "Operating system version" },
     33   { "Compiler" },
     34   { "Word size" },
     35   { "Memory" },
     36   { "file size" },
     37   { "Debugging level" },
     38   { "Event handler" },
     39   { "Select syscall" },
     40   { "disabled" },
     41   { "IPv6" },
     42   { "Not enabled in system" },
     43   { "Local network only" },
     44   { "UTF-8 terminal" },
     45   { "Compression methods" },
     46   { "Encryption" },
     47   { "no certificate verification" },
     48   { "GPM mouse driver" },
     49   { "Xterm for OS/2" },
     50   { "Graphics mode" },
     51   { "Image libraries" },
     52   { "Font rendering" },
     53   { "Internal" },
     54   { "OpenMP" },
     55   { "Not used in text mode" },
     56   { "Disabled" },
     57   { "thread" },
     58   { "threads" },
     59   { "threads" },
     60   { "Configuration directory" },
     61   { "None" },
     62   { "Keys" },
     63   { "ESC       display menu\n^C, q, Q  quit\np, l      scroll up, down\n[, ]      scroll left, right\nup, down  select link\nH, L      select top/bottom link\n->        follow link\n<-, z     go back\n', x      go forward\nTAB       switch frames\ng         go to url\nG         go to url based on current url\n^G        go to url based on current link\n*         toggle image displaying\n^W        complete URL or search string\n^B,^X,^V,^K copy, cut, paste, cut line to/from clipboard\nAlt-1 .. Alt-9 switch virtual screens (svgalib and fb)" },
     64   { "a, w      cursor to status line or title\n{, }      cursor to start/end of a line\n^Y,^T,y,t,^O go to next/previous link/word/form entry" },
     65   { "Copying" },
     66   { "Links " VERSION "\n\n" LINKS_COPYRIGHT "\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." },
     67   { "Resources" },
     68   { "Memory cache" },
     69   { "Decompressed cache" },
     70   { "Font cache" },
     71   { "Image cache" },
     72   { "Formatted document cache" },
     73   { "DNS cache" },
     74   { "TLS session cache" },
     75   { "handles" },
     76   { "timers" },
     77   { "waiting" },
     78   { "connecting" },
     79   { "transferring" },
     80   { "keepalive" },
     81   { "bytes" },
     82   { "letters" },
     83   { "files" },
     84   { "locked" },
     85   { "loading" },
     86   { "images" },
     87   { "documents" },
     88   { "servers" },
     89   { "bytes of memory allocated" },
     90   { "blocks" },
     91   { "bytes allocated as large blocks" },
     92   { "large blocks" },
     93   { "bytes requested from system" },
     94   { "blocks" },
     95   { "bytes of javascript memory allocated" },
     96   { "Memory info" },
     97   { "No history" },
     98   { "No downloads" },
     99   { "No frames" },
    100   { "VT 100 frames" },
    101   { "Linux or OS/2 frames" },
    102   { "KOI8-R frames" },
    103   { "FreeBSD frames" },
    104   { "Use ^[[11m" },
    105   { "Restrict frames in cp850/852" },
    106   { "Block cursor" },
    107   { "Color" },
    108   { "Braille terminal" },
    109   { "Terminal options" },
    110   { "Screen margins" },
    111   { "Left margin" },
    112   { "Right margin" },
    113   { "Top margin" },
    114   { "Bottom margin" },
    115   { "Margins too large" },
    116   { "The entered values are too large for the current screen" },
    117   { "Network options" },
    118   { "IPv6 options" },
    119   { "Default system preference" },
    120   { "Prefer IPv4" },
    121   { "Prefer IPv6" },
    122   { "Use only IPv4" },
    123   { "Use only IPv6" },
    124   { "Proxies" },
    125   { "HTTP proxy (host:port)" },
    126   { "FTP proxy (host:port)" },
    127   { "HTTPS proxy (host:port)" },
    128   { "Socks4A proxy (user@host:port)" },
    129   { "Append text to hostname (for specifying tor exit node)" },
    130   { "Direct access (w/o proxy) domains (comma separated)" },
    131   { "Connect only via proxies or Socks (useful for tor)" },
    132   { "Tor mode enabled because the socks port is 9050." },
    133   { "SSL options" },
    134   { "Accept invalid certificates and weak ciphers" },
    135   { "Warn on invalid certificate or weak cipher" },
    136   { "Reject invalid certificates and weak ciphers" },
    137   { "Use built-in certificates" },
    138   { "Client certificate key file" },
    139   { "Client certificate file" },
    140   { "Client certificate password (won't be saved in config file)" },
    141   { "Bad file" },
    142   { "The file does not exist" },
    143   { "The file has invalid format" },
    144   { "Error initializing built-in certificates" },
    145   { "failed" },
    146   { "Connections" },
    147   { "Max connections" },
    148   { "Max connections to one host" },
    149   { "Retries (0 - unlimited)" },
    150   { "Receive timeout (sec)" },
    151   { "Timeout when unrestartable" },
    152   { "Timeout when trying multiple addresses" },
    153   { "Timeout when trying keepalive connection" },
    154   { "Bind to local IP address" },
    155   { "... IPv6 address" },
    156   { "Async DNS lookup" },
    157   { "Set time of downloaded files" },
    158   { "Cache options" },
    159   { "Memory cache size (KiB)" },
    160   { "Image cache size (KiB)" },
    161   { "Font cache size (KiB)" },
    162   { "Number of formatted documents" },
    163   { "Aggressive cache" },
    164   { "Html options" },
    165   { "Display tables" },
    166   { "Display frames" },
    167   { "Break long lines" },
    168   { "Display images" },
    169   { "Display image filenames" },
    170   { "Display links to images" },
    171   { "Move by columns in table" },
    172   { "Links are numbered" },
    173   { "Auto refresh" },
    174   { "Allow opening links in new window (target=\"_blank\")" },
    175   { "Text margin" },
    176   { "Default codepage" },
    177   { "Ignore charset info sent by server" },
    178   { "Text" },
    179   { "Link" },
    180   { "Background" },
    181   { "Ignore document color" },
    182   { "Black" },
    183   { "Red" },
    184   { "Green" },
    185   { "Yellow" },
    186   { "Dark blue" },
    187   { "Magenta" },
    188   { "Cyan" },
    189   { "White" },
    190   { "Dark grey" },
    191   { "Bright red" },
    192   { "Bright green" },
    193   { "Bright yellow" },
    194   { "Bright blue" },
    195   { "Bright magenta" },
    196   { "Bright cyan" },
    197   { "Bright white" },
    198   { "Go to URL" },
    199   { "Go back" },
    200   { "Go forward" },
    201   { "History" },
    202   { "Reload" },
    203   { "New window" },
    204   { "Save as" },
    205   { "Save URL as" },
    206   { "Save formatted document" },
    207   { "Copy current URL location" },
    208   { "Kill background connections" },
    209   { "Kill all connections" },
    210   { "Flush all caches" },
    211   { "Resource info" },
    212   { "OS shell" },
    213   { "Exit" },
    214   { "Search" },
    215   { "Search backward" },
    216   { "Find next" },
    217   { "Find previous" },
    218   { "Toggle html/plain" },
    219   { "Document info" },
    220   { "Frame at full-screen" },
    221   { "Save clipboard to a file" },
    222   { "Load clipboard from a file" },
    223   { "The clipboard is empty" },
    224   { "Save html options" },
    225   { "Character set" },
    226   { "Default" },
    227   { "Cache" },
    228   { "Mail and telnet" },
    229   { "Mail, telnet and shell" },
    230   { "Associations" },
    231   { "File extensions" },
    232   { "Save options" },
    233   { "File" },
    234   { "View" },
    235   { "Link" },
    236   { "Downloads" },
    237   { "Windows" },
    238   { "Setup" },
    239   { "Help" },
    240   { "Enter URL" },
    241   { "Save URL" },
    242   { "Download" },
    243   { "Save to file" },
    244   { "Search for text" },
    245   { "(p" },
    246   { " of " },
    247   { ")" },
    248   { "Formatting document" },
    249   { "Searching" },
    250   { "Waiting in queue" },
    251   { "Looking up host" },
    252   { "Making connection" },
    253   { "Making connection to another address" },
    254   { "Making Socks connection" },
    255   { "SSL negotiation" },
    256   { "Request sent" },
    257   { "Logging in" },
    258   { "Getting headers" },
    259   { "Server is processing request" },
    260   { "Transferring" },
    261   { "Interrupted" },
    262   { "Internal error" },
    263   { "Out of memory" },
    264   { "Host not found" },
    265   { "Proxy not found" },
    266   { "Error writing to socket" },
    267   { "Error reading from socket" },
    268   { "Data modified" },
    269   { "Bad URL syntax" },
    270   { "Bad proxy syntax" },
    271   { "Receive timeout" },
    272   { "Request must be restarted" },
    273   { "Can't get socket state" },
    274   { "Cyclic redirect" },
    275   { "Too large file" },
    276   { "Bad HTTP response" },
    277   { "HTTP 100 (\?\?\?)" },
    278   { "No content" },
    279   { "HTTPS forwarding failed" },
    280   { "Invalid certificate" },
    281   { "Downgraded SSL/TLS method" },
    282   { "Insecure cipher" },
    283   { "Unknown file type" },
    284   { "Error opening file" },
    285   { "Bad FTP response" },
    286   { "FTP service unavailable" },
    287   { "Bad FTP login" },
    288   { "FTP PORT command failed" },
    289   { "File not found" },
    290   { "FTP file error" },
    291   { "SSL error" },
    292   { "This version of Links does not contain SSL/TLS support" },
    293   { "Bad Socks version (4a is required)" },
    294   { "Socks connection rejected or failed" },
    295   { "Socks proxy can't connect to identd server" },
    296   { "Bad Socks userid" },
    297   { "Unknown Socks error" },
    298   { "No smb client program installed (supported is smbclient or smbc)" },
    299   { "This URL is in your blocklist" },
    300   { "Hyperlinks to the SMB protocol are not allowed" },
    301   { "Hyperlinks to local files are not allowed" },
    302   { "No proxy for this connection and connections without proxies are disabled" },
    303   { "Unknown error" },
    304   { "Received" },
    305   { "of" },
    306   { "avg" },
    307   { "cur" },
    308   { "Average speed" },
    309   { "Speed" },
    310   { "current speed" },
    311   { "Elapsed time" },
    312   { "estimated time" },
    313   { "Background" },
    314   { "Abort" },
    315   { "Abort and delete file" },
    316   { "Yes" },
    317   { "No" },
    318   { "Never" },
    319   { "Directory" },
    320   { "File already exists" },
    321   { "already exists as an active download." },
    322   { "already exists." },
    323   { "Do you wish to continue download or overwrite file?" },
    324   { "Do you wish to overwrite it?" },
    325   { "Continue" },
    326   { "Overwrite" },
    327   { "Rename" },
    328   { "Download error" },
    329   { "Could not create file" },
    330   { "Error downloading" },
    331   { "Error loading" },
    332   { "Could not create file" },
    333   { "Could not create temporary file" },
    334   { "Error calling lseek on file" },
    335   { "Too large file sequence" },
    336   { "Unknown type" },
    337   { "Content type is" },
    338   { "Do you want to open, save or display this file?" },
    339   { "Do you want to open or display this file?" },
    340   { "Do you want to save or display this file?" },
    341   { "Save" },
    342   { "Display" },
    343   { "What to do?" },
    344   { "Do you want to open file with" },
    345   { "save it or display it?" },
    346   { "Open" },
    347   { "Open with" },
    348   { "Do you want to follow redirect and post form data to url" },
    349   { "Do you want to post form data to url" },
    350   { "Do you want to repost form data to url" },
    351   { "Warning" },
    352   { "Error" },
    353   { "Welcome" },
    354   { "Welcome to links!" },
    355   { "To display menu, press ESC or click on the top line in window. Select Help->Manual in menu for user's manual." },
    356   { "Label" },
    357   { "Content-Type(s) (comma-separated)" },
    358   { "Program ('%' is replaced with file name)" },
    359   { "Block terminal while program running" },
    360   { "Run on terminal" },
    361   { "Run in X-Window" },
    362   { "Ask before opening" },
    363   { "Accepts HTTP URLs" },
    364   { "Accepts FTP URLs" },
    365   { "Delete association" },
    366   { "association" },
    367   { "Extension(s) (comma-separated)" },
    368   { "Content-Type" },
    369   { "Delete extension" },
    370   { "Extension" },
    371   { "extension" },
    372   { "Error while posting form" },
    373   { "Could not get file" },
    374   { "Reading files is not allowed" },
    375   { "No previous search" },
    376   { "Search string not found" },
    377   { "Save error" },
    378   { "Error writing to file" },
    379   { "Error reading the file" },
    380   { "Display usemap" },
    381   { "Follow link" },
    382   { "Open in new window" },
    383   { "Download link" },
    384   { "Reset form" },
    385   { "Submit form" },
    386   { "Submit form and open in new window" },
    387   { "Submit form and download" },
    388   { "View image" },
    389   { "Download image" },
    390   { "Scale image to full screen" },
    391   { "No link selected" },
    392   { "Image" },
    393   { "Usemap" },
    394   { "Xterm" },
    395   { "Twterm" },
    396   { "Screen" },
    397   { "Window" },
    398   { "Full screen" },
    399   { "BeOS terminal" },
    400   { "Unable to open new window" },
    401   { "Javascript" },
    402   { "Submit form to" },
    403   { "Post form to" },
    404   { "Radio button" },
    405   { "Checkbox" },
    406   { "Select field" },
    407   { "Text field" },
    408   { "Text area" },
    409   { "File upload" },
    410   { "Password field" },
    411   { "Button" },
    412   { "name" },
    413   { "value" },
    414   { "hit ENTER to" },
    415   { "submit to" },
    416   { "post to" },
    417   { "Info" },
    418   { "Header info" },
    419   { "No page is displayed" },
    420   { "The document doesn't have a header" },
    421   { "URL" },
    422   { "IP address" },
    423   { "IP addresses" },
    424   { "Size" },
    425   { "compressed with" },
    426   { "incomplete" },
    427   { "Codepage" },
    428   { "assumed" },
    429   { "ignoring server setting" },
    430   { "Server" },
    431   { "Date" },
    432   { "Last modified" },
    433   { "SSL cipher" },
    434   { "Certificate authority" },
    435   { "Certificate authorities" },
    436   { "Language" },
    437   { "Default" },
    438   { "Go to link" },
    439   { "Enter link number" },
    440   { "Resize terminal" },
    441   { "Columns" },
    442   { "Rows" },
    443   { "Goto" },
    444   { "Close" },
    445   { "Folder" },
    446   { "folder" },
    447   { "Add" },
    448   { "Delete" },
    449   { "Edit" },
    450   { "Move" },
    451   { "No items selected. Use the key \"*\" to select items to move." },
    452   { "Unselect all" },
    453   { "Bookmarks" },
    454   { "bookmark" },
    455   { "Add bookmark" },
    456   { "Add association" },
    457   { "Add extension" },
    458   { "Add folder" },
    459   { "Bookmark title" },
    460   { "Edit bookmark" },
    461   { "Edit association" },
    462   { "Edit extension" },
    463   { "Delete bookmark" },
    464   { "Edit folder" },
    465   { "Delete folder" },
    466   { "is not empty. Do you really want to delete it?" },
    467   { "Bookmark manager" },
    468   { "Associations manager" },
    469   { "Extensions manager" },
    470   { "url" },
    471   { "Name" },
    472   { "Exit Links" },
    473   { "Do you really want to close window?" },
    474   { "Do you really want to exit Links?" },
    475   { "Do you really want to exit Links (and terminate all downloads)?" },
    476   { "HTTP options" },
    477   { "FTP options" },
    478   { "SMB options" },
    479   { "HTTP bug workarounds" },
    480   { "Use HTTP/1.0" },
    481   { "Allow blacklist of buggy servers" },
    482   { "Do not send Accept-Charset" },
    483   { "Do not advertise compression support" },
    484   { "Retry on internal server errors (50x)" },
    485   { "Header options" },
    486   { "HTTP header options" },
    487   { "Fake Firefox (improves privacy)" },
    488   { "Send \"do not track\" request" },
    489   { "No referer" },
    490   { "Send requested URL as referer" },
    491   { "Fixed referer" },
    492   { "Send real referer only to the same server" },
    493   { "Send real referer (normal operation, INSECURE!!!)" },
    494   { "Fixed HTTP Referer" },
    495   { "Fake User-Agent" },
    496   { "Extra header string ('\\' means newline)" },
    497   { "Password for anonymous login" },
    498   { "Use passive FTP" },
    499   { "Use EPRT/EPSV commands on IPv4" },
    500   { "Set IP Type Of Service" },
    501   { "Allow hyperlinks to SMB protocol. Disabling this improves security, because internet sites cannot exploit possible bugs in the SMB client." },
    502   { "User's manual" },
    503   { "Home page" },
    504   { "Calibration" },
    505   { "Mail program (% is replaced with address)" },
    506   { "Shell for executing external commands (% is replaced with command)" },
    507   { "Telnet program (% is replaced with \"host\" or \"host port\")" },
    508   { "Magnet program (% is replaced with URL)" },
    509   { "Tn3270 program (% is replaced with \"host\" or \"host port\")" },
    510   { "MMS program (% is replaced with URL)" },
    511   { "Mail and telnet programs" },
    512   { "Mail, telnet and shell programs" },
    513   { "No program" },
    514   { "No program specified for" },
    515   { "mail" },
    516   { "telnet" },
    517   { "magnet" },
    518   { "tn3270" },
    519   { "mms" },
    520   { "Bad mailto url" },
    521   { "Bad telnet url" },
    522   { "Bad tn3270 url" },
    523   { "MMS url contains inacceptable characters" },
    524   { "Authorization required" },
    525   { "Proxy authorization required" },
    526   { "User ID" },
    527   { "Password" },
    528   { "Enter username for " },
    529   { "at " },
    530   { "The server " },
    531   { " doesn't have a valid certificate. Do you want to connect to it anyway?" },
    532   { " uses downgraded SSL/TLS method. Do you want to connect to it anyway?" },
    533   { " uses insecure cipher. Do you want to connect to it anyway?" },
    534   { "Waiting for redirect confirmation" },
    535   { "Decompression error" },
    536   { "Error decompressing " },
    537   { " with " },
    538   { "Error in compressed data" },
    539   { "Unknown compression method" },
    540   { "Are you sure to delete" },
    541   { "Bookmarks are already in use!" },
    542   { "Associations are already in use!" },
    543   { "Extensions are already in use!" },
    544   { "Video options" },
    545   { "Recommended user gamma setting:\n1.33 for dark room, 1.11 for very dim room, 1 for usual computer workspace lighting, 0.88 for bright environment lighting." },
    546   { "Red display gamma" },
    547   { "Green display gamma" },
    548   { "Blue display gamma" },
    549   { "User gamma" },
    550   { "Aspect ratio" },
    551   { "Dither letters" },
    552   { "Dither images" },
    553   { "8-bit gamma correction" },
    554   { "16-bit gamma correction" },
    555   { "Auto gamma correction (according to FPU speed)" },
    556   { "RGB palette 8x8x4" },
    557   { "RGB palette 6x6x6" },
    558   { "Switch palette" },
    559   { "Overwrite screen instead of scrolling it" },
    560   { "Alert" },
    561   { "Question" },
    562   { "Kill script" },
    563   { "Kill all scripts" },
    564   { "Javascript killed by user." },
    565   { "Javascript is trying to close the browser window. Do you really want to close the window?" },
    566   { "Enter string" },
    567   { "Javascript options" },
    568   { "Enable javascript" },
    569   { "Verbose javascript errors" },
    570   { "Verbose javascript warnings" },
    571   { "Miscellaneous options" },
    572   { "Fonts" },
    573   { "Regular font" },
    574   { "Bold font" },
    575   { "Monospaced font" },
    576   { "Monospaced bold font" },
    577   { "Italic font" },
    578   { "Italic bold font" },
    579   { "Italic monospaced font" },
    580   { "Italic monospaced bold font" },
    581   { "Built-in font" },
    582   { "Javascript error" },
    583   { "Javascript warning" },
    584   { "Dismiss" },
    585   { "Menu font size" },
    586   { "User font size" },
    587   { "Turn off warnings" },
    588   { "Bookmarks encoding" },
    589   { "Javascript is attempting to go to URL" },
    590   { "Javascript is attempting open a new window with URL" },
    591   { "Javascript is attempting to go into history" },
    592   { "to url" },
    593   { "Goto history" },
    594   { "Allow" },
    595   { "Reject" },
    596   { "Enable all conversions" },
    597   { "Enable global name resolution" },
    598   { "Manual javascript operations confirmation" },
    599   { "Recursion depth" },
    600   { "Background color" },
    601   { "Foreground color" },
    602   { "Scroll-bar bar color" },
    603   { "Scroll-bar area color" },
    604   { "Scroll-bar frame color" },
    605   { "Bookmarks file" },
    606   { "Save URL history on exit" },
    607   { "Enter colors as sRGB hexadecimal RRGGBB triplets." },
    608   { "Memory dedicated to javascript (KiB)" },
    609   { "Scale all images by (%)" },
    610   { "Autoscale single images" },
    611   { "Display optimization for CRT" },
    612   { "Display optimization for LCD (RGB)" },
    613   { "Display optimization for LCD (BGR)" },
    614   { "Keyboard codepage" },
    615   { "Copy link location" },
    616   { "Block image" },
    617   { "Blocked images" },
    618   { "Blocked images" },
    619   { "Blocked images is already open" },
    620   { "Image blocking manager" },
    621   { "Add Image URL to block" },
    622   { "Edit Image URL" },
    623   { "Remove" },
    624   { "G" },
    625   { "B" },
    626   { "F" },
    627   { "H" },
    628   { "R" },
    629   { "S" },
    630   { "N" },
    631   { "V" },
    632   { "U" },
    633   { "D" },
    634   { "C" },
    635   { "K" },
    636   { "T" },
    637   { "C" },
    638   { "I" },
    639   { "M" },
    640   { "O" },
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    642   { "X" },
    643   { "S" },
    644   { "B" },
    645   { "N" },
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    650   { "F" },
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    653   { "O" },
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    656   { "L" },
    657   { "H" },
    658   { "T" },
    659   { "M" },
    660   { "V" },
    661   { "N" },
    662   { "C" },
    663   { "I" },
    664   { "P" },
    665   { "L" },
    666   { "H" },
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    673   { "I" },
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    675   { "E" },
    676   { "B" },
    677   { "S" },
    678   { "A" },
    679   { "K" },
    680   { "C" },
    681   { "M" },
    682   { "H" },
    683   { "L" },
    684   { "F" },
    685   { "V" },
    686   { "L" },
    687   { "D" },
    688   { "W" },
    689   { "S" },
    690   { "H" },
    691   { "U" },
    692   { "F" },
    693   { "W" },
    694   { "D" },
    695   { "R" },
    696   { "S" },
    697   { "W" },
    698   { "D" },
    699   { "I" },
    700   { "G" },
    701   { "S" },
    702   { "C" },
    703   { "B" },
    704   { "X" },
    705   { "T" },
    706   { "S" },
    707   { "W" },
    708   { "F" },
    709   { "B" },
    710   { "" },
    711   { "" },
    712   { "" },
    713 };