Commit: 76710dd74a7ad770ac61f9c44c42df387ed9d74b
Parent: 81e51e7aecb04bc9508a846c0e78697e0dfb6ee0
Author: Ren Tatsumoto
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2021 17:07:27 +0300
M | subs2srs.lua | | | 224 | ++++++++++++++++--------------------------------------------------------------- |
1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)
diff --git a/subs2srs.lua b/subs2srs.lua
@@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ For complete usage guide, see <
local config = {
-- Common
- autoclip = false, -- enable copying subs to the clipboard when mpv starts
- nuke_spaces = true, -- remove all spaces from exported anki cards
+ autoclip = false, -- enable copying subs to the clipboard when mpv starts
+ nuke_spaces = true, -- remove all spaces from exported anki cards
clipboard_trim_enabled = true, -- remove unnecessary characters from strings before copying to the clipboard
- snapshot_format = "webp", -- webp or jpg
- snapshot_quality = 15, -- from 0=lowest to 100=highest
- snapshot_width = -2, -- a positive integer or -2 for auto
- snapshot_height = 200, -- same
- audio_format = "opus", -- opus or mp3
- audio_bitrate = "18k", -- from 16k to 32k
- audio_padding = 0.12, -- Set a pad to the dialog timings. 0.5 = audio is padded by .5 seconds. 0 = disable.
- tie_volumes = false, -- if set to true, the volume of the outputted audio file depends on the volume of the player at the time of export
+ snapshot_format = "webp", -- webp or jpg
+ snapshot_quality = 15, -- from 0=lowest to 100=highest
+ snapshot_width = -2, -- a positive integer or -2 for auto
+ snapshot_height = 200, -- same
+ audio_format = "opus", -- opus or mp3
+ audio_bitrate = "18k", -- from 16k to 32k
+ audio_padding = 0.12, -- Set a pad to the dialog timings. 0.5 = audio is padded by .5 seconds. 0 = disable.
+ tie_volumes = false, -- if set to true, the volume of the outputted audio file depends on the volume of the player at the time of export
menu_font_size = 25,
-- Anki
- create_deck = false, -- automatically create a deck for new cards
- deck_name = "Learning", -- name of the deck for new cards
+ create_deck = false, -- automatically create a deck for new cards
+ deck_name = "Learning", -- name of the deck for new cards
model_name = "Japanese sentences", -- Tools -> Manage note types
sentence_field = "SentKanji",
audio_field = "SentAudio",
image_field = "Image",
- append_media = true, -- True to append video media after existing data, false to insert media before
+ append_media = true, -- True to append video media after existing data, false to insert media before
-- Note tagging
-- The tag(s) added to new notes. Spaces separate multiple tags.
@@ -68,20 +68,20 @@ local config = {
-- %d - episode number (if none found, returns nothing)
-- %e - SUBS2SRS_TAGS environment variable
note_tag = "subs2srs %n",
- tag_nuke_brackets = true, -- delete all text inside brackets before subsituting filename into tag
- tag_nuke_parentheses = false, -- delete all text inside parentheses before subsituting filename into tag
- tag_del_episode_num = true, -- delete the episode number if found
+ tag_nuke_brackets = true, -- delete all text inside brackets before substituting filename into tag
+ tag_nuke_parentheses = false, -- delete all text inside parentheses before substituting filename into tag
+ tag_del_episode_num = true, -- delete the episode number if found
tag_del_after_episode_num = true, -- delete everything after the found episode number (does nothing if tag_del_episode_num is disabled)
- tag_filename_lowercase = false, -- convert filename to lowercase for tagging.
+ tag_filename_lowercase = false, -- convert filename to lowercase for tagging.
-- Misc info
miscinfo_enable = true,
- miscinfo_field = "Notes", -- misc notes and source information field
+ miscinfo_field = "Notes", -- misc notes and source information field
miscinfo_format = "%n EP%d (%t)", -- format string to use for the miscinfo_field, accepts note_tag-style format strings
-- Forvo support
- use_forvo = "yes", -- 'yes', 'no', 'always'
- vocab_field = "VocabKanji", -- target word field
+ use_forvo = "yes", -- 'yes', 'no', 'always'
+ vocab_field = "VocabKanji", -- target word field
vocab_audio_field = "VocabAudio", -- target word audio
@@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ local function get_episode_number(filename)
local filename_reversed = filename:reverse()
local ep_num_patterns = {
- "%s?(%d?%d?%d)[pP]?[eE]", -- Starting with E or EP (case-insensitive). "Example Series S01E01"
- "%)(%d?%d?%d)%(", -- Surrounded by parentheses. "Example Series (12)"
- "%](%d?%d?%d)%[", -- Surrounded by brackets. "Example Series [01]"
- "%s(%d?%d?%d)%s", -- Surrounded by whitespace. "Example Series 124 [1080p 10-bit]"
- "_(%d?%d?%d)_", -- Surrounded by underscores. "Example_Series_04_1080p"
- "^(%d?%d?%d)[%s_]", -- Ending to the episode number. "Example Series 124"
- "(%d?%d?%d)%-edosipE", -- Prepended by "Episode-". "Example Episode-165"
+ "%s?(%d?%d?%d)[pP]?[eE]", -- Starting with E or EP (case-insensitive). "Example Series S01E01"
+ "%)(%d?%d?%d)%(", -- Surrounded by parentheses. "Example Series (12)"
+ "%](%d?%d?%d)%[", -- Surrounded by brackets. "Example Series [01]"
+ "%s(%d?%d?%d)%s", -- Surrounded by whitespace. "Example Series 124 [1080p 10-bit]"
+ "_(%d?%d?%d)_", -- Surrounded by underscores. "Example_Series_04_1080p"
+ "^(%d?%d?%d)[%s_]", -- Ending to the episode number. "Example Series 124"
+ "(%d?%d?%d)%-edosipE", -- Prepended by "Episode-". "Example Episode-165"
local s, e, episode_num
@@ -415,73 +415,6 @@ local function join_media_fields(new_data, stored_data)
return new_data
-local validate_config
- local function is_webp_supported()
- local ret = subprocess { 'mpv', '--ovc=help' }
- return ret.status == 0 and ret.stdout:match('--ovc=libwebp')
- end
- local function is_opus_supported()
- local ret = subprocess { 'mpv', '--oac=help' }
- return ret.status == 0 and ret.stdout:match('--oac=libopus')
- end
- local function set_audio_format()
- if config.audio_format == 'opus' and is_opus_supported() then
- config.audio_codec = 'libopus'
- config.audio_extension = '.ogg'
- else
- config.audio_codec = 'libmp3lame'
- config.audio_extension = '.mp3'
- end
- end
- local function set_video_format()
- if config.snapshot_format == 'webp' and is_webp_supported() then
- config.snapshot_extension = '.webp'
- config.snapshot_codec = 'libwebp'
- else
- config.snapshot_extension = '.jpg'
- config.snapshot_codec = 'mjpeg'
- end
- end
- local function ensure_in_range(dimension)
- config[dimension] = config[dimension] < 42 and -2 or config[dimension]
- config[dimension] = config[dimension] > 640 and 640 or config[dimension]
- end
- local function conditionally_set_defaults(width, height, quality)
- if config[width] < 1 and config[height] < 1 then
- config[width] = -2
- config[height] = 200
- end
- if config[quality] < 0 or config[quality] > 100 then
- config[quality] = 15
- end
- end
- local function check_image_settings()
- ensure_in_range('snapshot_width')
- ensure_in_range('snapshot_height')
- conditionally_set_defaults('snapshot_width', 'snapshot_height', 'snapshot_quality')
- end
- local function ensure_deck()
- if config.create_deck == true then
- ankiconnect.create_deck(config.deck_name)
- end
- end
- validate_config = function()
- ensure_deck()
- set_audio_format()
- set_video_format()
- check_image_settings()
- end
local function update_sentence(new_data, stored_data)
-- adds support for TSCs
@@ -657,77 +590,6 @@ local filename_factory = (function()
--- profiles management
-local config_manager = (function()
- local initial_config = {}
- local default_profile = 'subs2srs'
- local profiles_config = 'subs2srs_profiles'
- local function load_profile(profile_name)
- if is_empty(profile_name) then
- profile_name =
- if is_empty(profile_name) then
- profile_name = default_profile
- end
- end
- mpopt.read_options(config, profile_name)
- end
- local function save_initial_config()
- for key, value in pairs(config) do
- initial_config[key] = value
- end
- end
- local function restore_initial_config()
- for key, value in pairs(initial_config) do
- config[key] = value
- end
- end
- local function next_profile()
- local first, next, new
- for profile in string.gmatch(profiles.profiles, '[^,]+') do
- if not first then
- first = profile
- end
- if profile == then
- next = true
- elseif next then
- next = false
- new = profile
- end
- end
- if next == true or not new then
- new = first
- end
- = new
- restore_initial_config()
- load_profile(
- validate_config()
- notify("Loaded profile " ..
- end
- local function init()
- -- 'subs2srs' is the main profile, it is always loaded.
- -- 'active profile' overrides it afterwards.
- mpopt.read_options(profiles, profiles_config)
- load_profile(default_profile)
- save_initial_config()
- if ~= default_profile then
- load_profile(
- end
- validate_config()
- end
- return {
- init = init,
- next_profile = next_profile,
- }
-- front for adding and updating notes
local function export_to_anki(gui)
@@ -798,7 +660,9 @@ end
-- seeking: sub replay, sub seek, sub rewind
local function _(params)
- return function() return pcall(unpack(params)) end
+ return function()
+ return pcall(unpack(params))
+ end
local pause_timer = (function()
@@ -890,7 +754,9 @@ end)()
local function init_platform_windows()
local self = {}
local curl_tmpfile_path = utils.join_path(os.getenv('TEMP'), 'curl_tmp.txt')
- mp.register_event('shutdown', function() os.remove(curl_tmpfile_path) end)
+ mp.register_event('shutdown', function()
+ os.remove(curl_tmpfile_path)
+ end)
self.tmp_dir = function()
return os.getenv('TEMP')
@@ -1589,18 +1455,18 @@ menu.with_update = function(params)
menu.keybindings = {
- { key = 's', fn = menu.with_update{subs.set_timing, 'start'} },
- { key = 'e', fn = menu.with_update{subs.set_timing, 'end'} },
- { key = 'c', fn = menu.with_update{subs.set_starting_line} },
- { key = 'r', fn = menu.with_update{subs.clear_and_notify} },
- { key = 'g', fn = menu.with_update{export_to_anki, true} },
- { key = 'n', fn = menu.with_update{export_to_anki, false} },
- { key = 'm', fn = menu.with_update{update_last_note, false} },
- { key = 'M', fn = menu.with_update{update_last_note, true} },
- { key = 't', fn = menu.with_update{clip_autocopy.toggle} },
- { key = 'i', fn = menu.with_update{menu.hints_state.bump} },
- { key = 'p', fn = menu.with_update{config_manager.next_profile} },
- { key = 'ESC', fn = function() menu.close() end },
+ { key = 's', fn = menu.with_update { subs.set_timing, 'start' } },
+ { key = 'e', fn = menu.with_update { subs.set_timing, 'end' } },
+ { key = 'c', fn = menu.with_update { subs.set_starting_line } },
+ { key = 'r', fn = menu.with_update { subs.clear_and_notify } },
+ { key = 'g', fn = menu.with_update { export_to_anki, true } },
+ { key = 'n', fn = menu.with_update { export_to_anki, false } },
+ { key = 'm', fn = menu.with_update { update_last_note, false } },
+ { key = 'M', fn = menu.with_update { update_last_note, true } },
+ { key = 't', fn = menu.with_update { clip_autocopy.toggle } },
+ { key = 'i', fn = menu.with_update { menu.hints_state.bump } },
+ { key = 'p', fn = menu.with_update { load_next_profile } },
+ { key = 'ESC', fn = menu.close },
menu.update = function()