Commit: 83a1715c491d7fa692a1b61b43919c3d570cade1
Parent: 38968170821b5128bd1703800ebd13386c17a309
Author: Ren Tatsumoto
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2021 12:13:09 +0300
reformat config
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/subs2srs.lua b/subs2srs.lua
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ For complete usage guide, see <
local config = {
+ -- Common
autoclip = false, -- enable copying subs to the clipboard when mpv starts
nuke_spaces = true, -- remove all spaces from exported anki cards
clipboard_trim_enabled = true, -- remove unnecessary characters from strings before copying to the clipboard
@@ -46,17 +47,21 @@ local config = {
audio_format = "opus", -- opus or mp3
audio_bitrate = "18k", -- from 16k to 32k
audio_padding = 0.12, -- Set a pad to the dialog timings. 0.5 = audio is padded by .5 seconds. 0 = disable.
+ tie_volumes = false, -- if set to true, the volume of the outputted audio file depends on the volume of the player at the time of export
+ menu_font_size = 25,
+ -- Anki
deck_name = "Learning", -- the deck will be created if needed
model_name = "Japanese sentences", -- Tools -> Manage note types
sentence_field = "SentKanji",
audio_field = "SentAudio",
+ image_field = "Image",
+ note_tag = "subs2srs", -- the tag that is added to new notes. change to "" to disable tagging
+ -- Forvo support
use_forvo = "yes", -- 'yes', 'no', 'always'
vocab_field = "VocabKanji", -- target word field
vocab_audio_field = "VocabAudio", -- target word audio
- image_field = "Image",
- menu_font_size = 25,
- note_tag = "subs2srs", -- the tag that is added to new notes. change to "" to disable tagging
- tie_volumes = false, -- if set to true, the volume of the outputted audio file depends on the volume of the player at the time of export
local utils = require('mp.utils')