Commit: bd88f4039e94b4dd972102c6731d72850acc5321
Parent: 92c8968437f1f902284a7dad069f8a8973ba2274
Author: Randy Palamar
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 21:25:32 -0600
update README
M | | | | 263 | +++++++------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,215 +1,68 @@
-<p align="center">
-<img src=""/>
+# mpv2oboeru
-# mpvacious
-mpvacious is your semi-automatic subs2srs for mpv.
-It supports multiple workflows and allows you to quickly create Anki cards
-while watching your favorite TV show.
-[Video demonstration](
+mpv2oboeru is a semi-automatic subs2srs helper for mpv.
+It started as a fork of [mpvacious](
## Table of contents
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Manually](#manually)
- * [From the AUR](#from-the-aur)
* [Using git](#using-git)
* [Updating with git](#updating-with-git)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Global bindings](#global-bindings)
* [Menu options](#menu-options)
- * [How to add definitions to new cards](#how-to-add-definitions-to-new-cards)
- * [Modifying cards added with Yomichan](#modifying-cards-added-with-yomichan)
- * [Example sentence card](#example-sentence-card)
- * [Audio cards](#audio-cards)
* [Other tools](#other-tools)
- * [Additional mpv key bindings](#additional-mpv-key-bindings)
* [Profiles](#profiles)
* [Hacking](#hacking)
## Requirements
- <th><a href="">GNU/Linux</a></th>
- <th><a href="">Windows 10</a></th>
- <th><a href="">macOS</a></th>
- <th>Comments</th>
- <td><a href="">mpv</a></td>
- <td><a href="">mpv</a></td>
- <td><a href="">mpv</a></td>
- <td>v0.32.0 or newer.</td>
- <td><a href="">Anki</a></td>
- <td colspan="2" align="center"><a href="">Anki</a></td>
- <td></td>
- <td colspan="3" align="center"><a href="">AnkiConnect</a></td>
- <td>Install from AnkiWeb.</td>
- <td><a href="">curl</a></td>
- <td colspan="2" align="center"><a href="">curl</a></td>
- <td>Installed by default on all platforms except Windows 7.</td>
- <td><a href="">xclip</a> or <a href="">wl-copy</a></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>pbcopy</td>
- <td>To copy subtitle text to clipboard.</td>
-Install all dependencies at once (on [Arch-based](
-$ sudo pacman -Syu mpv anki curl xclip --needed
-## Prerequisites
-* A guide on how to set up Anki can be found [on our site](
-Note that it is not recommended to use FlatPak or similar containers.
-* Most problems with adding audio or images to Anki cards can be fixed
-by installing FFmpeg and enabling FFmpeg support in `mpvacious`'s config.
-For details see the [configuration](#configuration) section.
-* If you're on a **Windows** machine, a mpv build by `shinchiro` is recommended.
-* **macOS** users are advised to use [homebrew]( or manually add `mpv` to `PATH`.
-* Make sure that your build of mpv supports encoding of audio and images.
-This shell command can be used to test it.
- ```
- $ mpv 'test_video.mkv' --loop-file=no --frames=1 -o='test_image.jpg'
- ```
- If the command fails, switch to FFmpeg or find a compatible build on the [mpv website](
+* mpv
+* xclip - when using X11
+* wl-copy - when using Wayland
## Installation
### Manually
-[the repository](
-[the latest release](
+[the repository](
and extract the folder containing
to your [mpv scripts]( directory:
-| OS | Location |
-| --- | --- |
-| GNU/Linux | `~/.config/mpv/scripts/` |
-| Windows | `C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/mpv/scripts/` |
-**Note:** in [Celluloid](
-user scripts are installed in `/.config/celluloid/scripts/`.
-<summary>Expected directory tree</summary>
-|-- other_addon_1
-|-- other_addon_2
-`-- mpvacious
- |-- main.lua
- |-- ...
- `-- subs2srs.lua
-### From the AUR
-mpvacious can be installed with the [mpv-mpvacious]( package.
+ ~/.config/mpv/scripts/
### Using git
-If you already have your dotfiles set up according to
+If you already have your dotfiles set up similar to
[Arch Wiki recommendations](, execute:
-$ config submodule add '' ~/.config/mpv/scripts/subs2srs
-If not, either proceed to Arch Wiki and come back when you're done, or simply clone the repo:
-$ git clone '' ~/.config/mpv/scripts/subs2srs
-<summary>A note for mpv v0.32 and older</summary>
+ $ git submodule add '' ~/.config/mpv/scripts/mpv2oboeru
-Since you've just cloned the script to its own subfolder,
-you need to tell mpv where to look for it.
-mpv v0.33 does this automatically by loading the `main.lua` file in the add-on's folder.
-Open or create `~/.config/mpv/scripts/modules.lua` and add these lines:
-local mpv_scripts_dir_path = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/mpv/scripts/"
-package.path = package.path .. ';' .. os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.config/mpv/scripts/subs2srs/?.lua'
-function load(relative_path) dofile(mpv_scripts_dir_path .. relative_path) end
-**Note:** in [Celluloid](
-replace in `.config/mpv` with `.config/celluloid`
-and optionally `subs2srs` with the name of the folder mpvacious is cloned into.
+If not, either proceed to Arch Wiki and come back when you're done, or simply clone the repo:
+ $ git clone '' ~/.config/mpv/scripts/mpv2oboeru
### Updating with git
-| Install method | Command |
-| --- | --- |
-| Submodules | `$ config submodule update --remote --merge` |
-| Plain git | `$ cd ~/.config/mpv/scripts/subs2srs && git pull` |
+Submodules: `$ git submodule update --remote --merge`
+Plain git: `$ cd ~/.config/mpv/scripts/subs2srs && git pull`
## Configuration
The config file should be created by the user, if needed.
-| OS | Config location |
-| --- | --- |
-| GNU/Linux | `~/.config/mpv/script-opts/subs2srs.conf` |
-| Windows | `C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/mpv/script-opts/subs2srs.conf` |
-| Windows (portable) | `mpv.exeフォルダ/portable_config/script-opts/subs2srs.conf` |
+ ~/.config/mpv/script-opts/subs2srs.conf
If a parameter is not specified
in the config file, the default value will be used.
mpv doesn't tolerate spaces before and after `=`.
-<p align="center">
- <a href="">Example configuration file</a>
-Sentence field should be first in the note type settings.
-Otherwise, Anki won't allow mpvacious to add new notes.
-**Tip**: Try [our official note type](
-if you don't want to configure note fields yourself.
-Alternatively, we have a collection of user-created note types, which you can browse
-If you are having problems playing media files on older mobile devices,
-set `audio_format` to `mp3` and/or `snapshot_format` to `jpg`.
-Otherwise, I recommend sticking with `opus` and `webp`,
-as they greatly reduce the size of the generated files.
-If no matter what mpvacious fails to create audio clips and/or snapshots,
+If no matter what mpv2oboeru fails to create audio clips and/or snapshots,
change `use_ffmpeg` to `yes`.
By using ffmpeg instead of the encoder built in mpv you can work around most encoder issues.
You need to have ffmpeg installed for this to work.
@@ -219,10 +72,7 @@ You need to have ffmpeg installed for this to work.
The user may change some key bindings, though this step is not necessary.
See [Usage](#usage) for the explanation of what they do.
-| OS | Config location |
-| --- | --- |
-| GNU/Linux | `~/.config/mpv/input.conf` |
-| Windows | `C:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/mpv/input.conf` |
+ ~/.config/mpv/input.conf
Default bindings:
@@ -231,9 +81,6 @@ a script-binding mpvacious-menu-open
Ctrl+n script-binding mpvacious-export-note
-Ctrl+m script-binding mpvacious-update-last-note
-Ctrl+M script-binding mpvacious-overwrite-last-note
Ctrl+c script-binding mpvacious-copy-sub-to-clipboard
Ctrl+t script-binding mpvacious-autocopy-toggle
@@ -264,10 +111,6 @@ Make a card:
Use this when your subs are well-timed,
and the target sentence doesn't span multiple subs.
-Update the last card:
-* `Ctrl+m` - Append to the media fields of the newly added Anki card.
-* `Ctrl+Shift+m` - Overwrite media fields of the newly added Anki card.
* `Ctrl+c` - Copy current subtitle string to the system clipboard.
* `Ctrl+t` - Toggle automatic copying of subtitles to the clipboard.
@@ -311,54 +154,17 @@ Then, as earlier, press `n` to make the card.
**Tip**: change playback speed by pressing `[` and `]`
to precisely mark start and end of the phrase.
-### How to add definitions to new cards
-After the card is created, you can find it by typing ```tag:subs2srs added:1```
-in the Anki Browser. Then use [qolibri](
-or similar software to add definitions to the card.
-### Modifying cards added with Yomichan
-You can add a card first using Yomichan,
-and then append an audio clip and a snapshot to it.
-Pressing `t` in the `advanced menu` toggles the `autoclip` option.
-Now as subtitles appear on the screen, they will be immediately copied to the clipboard.
-You can use it in combination with
-[Yomichan]( clipboard monitor.
**The process:**
-1) Open `Yomichan Search` by pressing `Alt+Insert` in your web browser.
-2) Enable `Clipboard autocopy` in mpvacious by pressing `t` in the `advanced menu`.
-3) When you find an unknown word, click
-in Yomichan to make a card for it.
-4) Go back to mpv and add the snapshot and the audio clip
-to the card you've just made by pressing `m` in the `advanced menu`.
-Pressing `Shift+m` will overwrite any existing data in media fields.
+1. Open `Yomichan Search` by pressing `Alt+Insert` in your web browser.
+2. Enable `Clipboard autocopy` in mpv2oboeru by pressing `t` in the `advanced menu`.
+3. Go back to mpv and add the snapshot and the audio clip
+ to the card you've just made by pressing `m` in the `advanced menu`.
+ Pressing `Shift+m` will overwrite any existing data in media fields.
Don't forget to set the right timings and join lines together
if the sentence is split between multiple subs.
-### Example sentence card
-With the addon you can make cards like this in just a few seconds.
-### Audio cards
-It is possible to make a card with just audio, and a picture
-when subtitles for the show you are watching aren't available, for example.
-mpv by default allows you to do a `1` second exact seek by pressing `Shift+LEFT` and `Shift+RIGHT`.
-Open the mpvacious menu by pressing `a`, seek to the position you need, and set the timings.
-Then press `g` to invoke the `Add Cards` dialog.
-Here's a [video demonstration](
-If the show is hard-subbed, you can use [Tesseract](
-or [ShareX]( OCR to add text to the card.
### Other tools
If you don't like the default Yomichan Search tool, try:
@@ -371,29 +177,6 @@ to paste the contents of your clipboard to
You can use any html page as long as it has \<body\>\</body\> in it.
-### Additional mpv key bindings
-I recommend adding these lines to your [input.conf](#key-bindings) for smoother experience.
-# vim-like seeking
-l seek 5
-h seek -5
-j seek -60
-k seek 60
-# Cycle between subtitle files
-K cycle sub
-J cycle sub down
-# Add/subtract 50 ms delay from subs
-Z add sub-delay +0.05
-z add sub-delay -0.05
-# Adjust timing to previous/next subtitle
-X sub-step 1
-x sub-step -1
## Profiles
Mpvacious supports config profiles.