
Monte Carlo in Single Layer Biological Tissue
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mc.c (14236B)

      1 /* Oblique Monte Carlo
      2  * Written by Randy Palamar - March-April 2024
      3  * Based on: Hybrid-MC by Li Li
      4  * Reference: Wang, "Biomedical optics", chapter 3 & 6
      5  */
      7 /* Details:
      8  * - Mostly uses Cartesian coordinates. Polar coordinates are used for
      9  *   specifying incident location.
     10  * - Beam faces in positive z direction incident from anywhere in r-theta
     11  *   plane. Initial launch direction is always towards origin.
     12  */
     14 #include <immintrin.h>
     15 #include <math.h>
     16 #include <pthread.h>
     17 #include <stdarg.h>
     18 #include <stddef.h>
     19 #include <stdint.h>
     20 #include <stdio.h>
     21 #include <stdlib.h>
     22 #include <time.h>
     24 #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(__clang__)
     25 	#define ASSERT(c) do if (!(c)) __builtin_debugtrap(); while(0)
     26 #elif defined(_DEBUG) /* as usual GCC is bad */
     27 	#define ASSERT(c) do if (!(c)) asm("int3; nop"); while(0)
     28 #else
     29 	#define ASSERT(a)
     30 #endif
     32 #define SGN(x)     ((x) >= 0 ? 1 : -1)
     33 #define ABS(x)     ((x) >= 0 ? x : -x)
     34 #define LEN(a)     (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*a))
     35 #define DEG2RAD(a) ((a) * M_PI / 180.0)
     37 #define ZERO   1.0e-6
     38 #define BIGVAL 1.0e6
     39 #define EPS    1.0e-9
     41 typedef uint64_t  u64;
     42 typedef uint32_t  u32;
     43 typedef uint8_t   u8;
     44 typedef u32       b32;
     45 typedef double    f64;
     46 typedef ptrdiff_t size;
     48 typedef struct { u8 *data; size len; } s8;
     49 #define s8(s) (s8){(u8 *)s, (LEN(s) - 1)}
     51 typedef struct { f64 x, y, z; }               Vec3;
     52 typedef struct { f64 r, theta, z; }           Vec3Pol;
     53 typedef struct { f64 top, bot, left, right; } Rect;
     54 typedef struct { u32 Nx, Ny; f64 *b; }        Mat2;
     56 typedef struct {
     57 	Vec3 pos;
     58 	Vec3 dir;
     59 	f64 w;
     60 	u32 n_scatters;
     61 	u32 dead;
     62 } Photon;
     64 typedef struct {
     65 	pthread_t id;
     66 	u64       rand_state[4];
     67 	Mat2      Rd_xy;
     68 	u64       N_photons;
     69 	u32       highest_photon_scatters;
     70 	b32       done;
     71 } WorkerCtx;
     73 #include "config.h"
     75 /* these are only modified during init() */
     76 static f64 g_dx, g_dy;
     77 static f64 g_xoff, g_yoff;
     78 static f64 g_mu_t;
     80 static f64 g_d = 1e6; /* layer thickness in [cm] */
     82 /* these will be modified by multiple threads */
     83 static struct { pthread_mutex_t lock; u64 N; } completed_photons;
     85 static void die(const char *, ...);
     87 #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
     88 #include "posix.c"
     89 #elif defined(_WIN32)
     90 #include "win32.c"
     91 #else
     92 #error Unsupported Platform!
     93 #endif
     95 static void
     96 die(const char *fmt, ...)
     97 {
     98 	va_list ap;
    100 	va_start(ap, fmt);
    101 	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
    102 	va_end(ap);
    104 	os_pause();
    105 	exit(1);
    106 }
    108 static Vec3
    109 polar_to_cartesian(Vec3Pol v)
    110 {
    111 	return (Vec3){
    112 		.x = v.r * cos(v.theta),
    113 		.y = v.r * sin(v.theta),
    114 		.z = v.z
    115 	};
    116 }
    118 static Vec3Pol
    119 cartesian_to_polar(Vec3 v)
    120 {
    121 	return (Vec3Pol){
    122 		.r = sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y),
    123 		.theta = atan2(v.y, v.x),
    124 		.z = v.z
    125 	};
    126 }
    128 static size
    129 c_str_len(char *s)
    130 {
    131 	char *t;
    132 	for (t = s; *t; t++);
    133 	return t - s;
    134 }
    136 static void
    137 mem_copy(s8 src, s8 dest)
    138 {
    139 	ASSERT(src.len <= dest.len);
    140 	for (size i = 0; i < src.len; i++)
    141 		dest.data[i] = src.data[i];
    142 }
    144 /* concatenates nstrs together. 0 terminates output for use with bad APIs */
    145 static s8
    146 s8concat(s8 *strs, size nstrs)
    147 {
    148 	s8 out = {0};
    149 	for (size i = 0; i < nstrs; i++)
    150 		out.len += strs[i].len;
    152 	out.data = malloc(out.len + 1);
    153 	if (out.data == NULL)
    154 		die("s8concat\n");
    156 	s8 tmp = out;
    157 	for (size i = 0; i < nstrs; i++) {
    158 		mem_copy(strs[i], tmp);
    159 		tmp.data += strs[i].len;
    160 		tmp.len  -= strs[i].len;
    161 	}
    162 	out.data[out.len] = 0;
    164 	return out;
    165 }
    167 static void
    168 dump_output(s8 pre, Mat2 Rd_xy)
    169 {
    170 	s8 xy = s8("_xy.csv");
    171 	s8 rd = s8("_Rd_xy.csv");
    172 	s8 out = s8concat((s8 []){pre, xy}, 2);
    173 	os_file f = os_open(out, OS_WRITE);
    175 	u8 dbuf[4096];
    176 	s8 buf = { .data = dbuf };
    178 	os_write(f, s8("x [cm],y [cm]\n"));
    179 	for (u32 i = 0; i < g_Nx; i++) {
    180 		f64 x = (i + 0.5) * g_dx - g_xoff;
    181 		f64 y = (i + 0.5) * g_dy - g_yoff;
    182 		buf.len = snprintf((char *)buf.data, sizeof(dbuf),
    183 		                   "%e,%e\n", x, y);
    184 		os_write(f, buf);
    185 	}
    187 	printf("x,y axis written to: %s\n", out.data);
    188 	os_close(f);
    189 	free(out.data);
    190 	out = s8concat((s8 []){pre, rd}, 2);
    191 	f = os_open(out, OS_WRITE);
    193 	f64 scale = g_N_photons_per_line * g_N_lines * g_dx * g_dy;
    194 	f64 *b = Rd_xy.b;
    195 	for (u32 i = 0; i < Rd_xy.Nx; i++) {
    196 		for (u32 j = 0; j < Rd_xy.Ny; j++) {
    197 			buf.len = snprintf((char *)buf.data, sizeof(dbuf),
    198 			                   "%e,", b[j] / scale);
    199 			os_write(f, buf);
    200 		}
    201 		os_seek(f, -1, OS_SEEK_CUR);
    202 		os_write(f, s8("\n"));
    203 		b += Rd_xy.Ny;
    204 	}
    205 	printf("Rd_xy written to:    %s\n", out.data);
    206 	os_close(f);
    207 	free(out.data);
    208 }
    210 /* fill in extra global ctx values */
    211 static void
    212 init(void)
    213 {
    214 	if (g_Nx != g_Ny)
    215 		die("Nx != Ny, output must be square!\n");
    216 	f64 w = g_extent.right - g_extent.left;
    217 	f64 h = g_extent.top - g_extent.bot;
    218 	g_dx = w / g_Nx;
    219 	g_dy = h / g_Ny;
    220 	g_xoff = w / 2;
    221 	g_yoff = h / 2;
    222 	g_mu_t = g_mu_a + g_mu_s;
    223 }
    225 static void
    226 random_init(u64 s[4])
    227 {
    228 	struct timespec ts;
    229 	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
    230 	s[0] = (intptr_t)&printf ^ ts.tv_sec ^ (u64)ts.tv_nsec;
    231 	s[1] = (intptr_t)&malloc ^ ts.tv_sec ^ (u64)ts.tv_nsec;
    232 	s[2] = (intptr_t)&die    ^ ts.tv_sec ^ (u64)ts.tv_nsec;
    233 	s[3] = (intptr_t)&sin    ^ ts.tv_sec ^ (u64)ts.tv_nsec;
    234 }
    236 static u64
    237 xoroshiro256star(u64 s[4])
    238 {
    239 	u64 ts1 = s[1] * 5;
    240 	u64 result = ((ts1 << 7) | (ts1 >> 57)) * 9;
    241 	u64 t = s[1] << 17;
    242 	s[2] ^= s[0];
    243 	s[3] ^= s[1];
    244 	s[1] ^= s[2];
    245 	s[0] ^= s[3];
    246 	s[2] ^= t;
    247 	s[3] = ((s[3] << 45) | (s[3] >> 19));
    248 	return result;
    249 }
    251 static f64
    252 random_uniform(u64 s[4])
    253 {
    254 	return xoroshiro256star(s) / (f64)UINT64_MAX;
    255 }
    257 static Mat2
    258 alloc_mat2(u32 x, u32 y)
    259 {
    260 	Mat2 m;
    261 	m.b = calloc(x * y, sizeof(f64));
    262 	if (m.b == NULL)
    263 		die("calloc\n");
    264 	m.Nx = x;
    265 	m.Ny = y;
    266 	return m;
    267 }
    269 static void
    270 sum_mat2(Mat2 m1, Mat2 m2)
    271 {
    272 	u64 N_total = m1.Nx * m1.Ny;
    273 	f64 *b1 = m1.b;
    274 	f64 *b2 = m2.b;
    276 #if defined(__AVX__)
    277 	while (N_total >= 4) {
    278 		__m256d v1 = _mm256_load_pd(b1);
    279 		__m256d v2 = _mm256_load_pd(b2);
    280 		_mm256_store_pd(b1, _mm256_add_pd(v1, v2));
    281 		N_total -= 4;
    282 		b1 += 4;
    283 		b2 += 4;
    284 	}
    285 #endif
    286 	for (u64 i = 0; i < N_total; i++)
    287 		b1[i] += b2[i];
    288 }
    290 static Vec3
    291 launch_direction_from_polar_angle(f64 theta)
    292 {
    293 	f64 rdir = sin(g_theta_i) * g_n0 / g_n;
    294 	return (Vec3){
    295 		.x = -rdir * cos(theta),
    296 		.y = -rdir * sin(theta),
    297 		.z = sqrt(1 - rdir * rdir)
    298 	};
    299 }
    301 static void
    302 launch_photon(Photon *p, Vec3Pol pos)
    303 {
    304 	p->pos = polar_to_cartesian(pos);
    305 	p->dir = launch_direction_from_polar_angle(pos.theta);
    306 	p->n_scatters = 0;
    307 	p->dead = 0;
    309 	Vec3Pol dir = cartesian_to_polar(p->dir);
    310 	f64 sin_ti = sin(g_theta_i);
    311 	f64 cos_ti = cos(g_theta_i);
    312 	f64 sin_tt = dir.r;
    313 	f64 cos_tt = dir.z;
    314 	f64 raux1 = sin_ti * cos_tt - cos_ti * sin_tt;
    315 	raux1 *= raux1;
    316 	f64 raux2 = sin_ti * cos_tt + cos_ti * sin_tt;
    317 	raux2 *= raux2;
    318 	f64 rsp = raux1 / raux2 + raux1 * (1 - raux2) / raux2 / (1 - raux1);
    319 	rsp *= 0.5;
    320 	p->w = (1.0 - rsp);
    321 }
    323 static void
    324 move_photon(Photon *p, f64 s)
    325 {
    326 	p->pos.x += s * p->dir.x;
    327 	p->pos.y += s * p->dir.y;
    328 	p->pos.z += s * p->dir.z;
    329 }
    331 static void
    332 absorb_photon(Photon *p)
    333 {
    334 	f64 delta_w = p->w * g_mu_a / g_mu_t; /* eq 3.24 */
    335 	p->w -= delta_w;
    336 	if (p->w < 0)
    337 		p->dead = 1;
    338 }
    340 static void
    341 reflect_or_transmit_photon(Photon *p, WorkerCtx *ctx)
    342 {
    343 	f64 sin_ai = sqrt(1 - p->dir.z * p->dir.z);
    344 	f64 sin_at = sin_ai * g_n / g_n0; /* eq. 3.35 */
    346 	f64 r_ai;
    347 	if (sin_at < ZERO) { /* roughly normal */
    348 		r_ai = (g_n - g_n0) / (g_n + g_n0);
    349 		r_ai *= r_ai;
    350 	} else if (sin_at > 1.0) { /* TIR */
    351 		r_ai = 1;
    352 	} else {
    353 		f64 A = sin_ai * sqrt(1 - sin_at * sin_at)
    354 		        - sin_at * sqrt(1 - sin_ai * sin_ai);
    355 		A *= A;
    356 		f64 B = sin_ai * sqrt(1 - sin_at * sin_at)
    357 		        + sin_at * sqrt(1 - sin_ai * sin_ai);
    358 		B *= B;
    359 		r_ai = 0.5 * (2 * A - A * A - A * B) / (B * (1 - A)); /* eq 3.36 */
    360 	}
    362 	f64 r = random_uniform(ctx->rand_state);
    363 	if (r <= r_ai) {
    364 		/* rebound to current layer */
    365 		p->dir.z = -p->dir.z;
    366 	} else {
    367 		/* cross the boundary */
    368 		if (p->dir.z < -ZERO) {
    369 			/* hit upper boundary. record reflactance if
    370 			 * we are in bounds of output region */
    371 			if (p->pos.x > -g_xoff && p->pos.x < g_xoff &&
    372 			    p->pos.y > -g_yoff && p->pos.y < g_yoff) {
    373 				u32 ri = (p->pos.y + g_yoff) / g_dy;
    374 				u32 ci = (p->pos.x + g_xoff) / g_dx;
    375 				ctx->Rd_xy.b[ri * ctx->Rd_xy.Nx + ci] += p->w;
    376 			}
    377 		}
    378 		p->dead = 1;
    379 	}
    380 }
    382 static void
    383 scatter_photon(Photon *p, u64 rand_state[4])
    384 {
    385 	if (p->dead)
    386 		return;
    388 	f64 cos_t, phi;
    389 	f64 g = g_anisotropy;
    390 	if (g != 0) {
    391 		f64 r = random_uniform(rand_state);
    392 		f64 aa = (1 - g * g) / (1 - g + 2 * g * r);
    393 		cos_t = (1 + g * g - aa * aa) / (2 * g);
    394 		if (cos_t < -1)
    395 			cos_t = -1;
    396 		else if (cos_t > 1)
    397 			cos_t = 1;
    398 	} else {
    399 		cos_t = 2 * random_uniform(rand_state) - 1;
    400 	} /* eq. (3.28) */
    402 	f64 sin_t, sin_phi, cos_phi;
    403 	sin_t = sqrt(1 - cos_t * cos_t);
    404 	phi = 2 * M_PI * random_uniform(rand_state); /* eq. (3.29) */
    405 	cos_phi = cos(phi);
    406 	sin_phi = sqrt(1 - cos_phi * cos_phi);
    408 	Vec3 u_mu;
    409 	if (ABS(p->dir.z) < (1 - ZERO)) {
    410 		/* eq. (3.30) */
    411 		Vec3 mu = p->dir;
    412 		f64 mu_zsq = sqrt(1 - mu.z * mu.z);
    413 		u_mu.x = sin_t * (mu.x * mu.z * cos_phi - mu.y * sin_phi)
    414 		         / mu_zsq + mu.x * cos_t;
    415 		u_mu.y = sin_t * (mu.y * mu.z * cos_phi + mu.x * sin_phi)
    416 		         / mu_zsq + mu.y * cos_t;
    417 		u_mu.z = -sin_t * cos_phi * mu_zsq + mu.z * cos_t;
    418 	} else {
    419 		/* close to normal propagation */
    420 		/* eq. (3.31) */
    421 		u_mu = (Vec3){
    422 			.x = sin_t * cos_phi,
    423 			.y = sin_t * sin_phi,
    424 			.z = SGN(p->dir.z) * cos_t
    425 		};
    426 	}
    427 	p->dir = u_mu;
    428 	p->n_scatters++;
    429 }
    431 static void
    432 check_photon_life(Photon *p, u64 rand_state[4])
    433 {
    434 	if (p->dead)
    435 		return;
    437 	if (p->w > 1e-4)
    438 		return;
    440 	f64 m = 10;
    441 	f64 e = random_uniform(rand_state);
    442 	if (m * e > 1) {
    443 		p->dead = 1;
    444 	} else {
    445 		p->w *= m;
    446 	}
    447 }
    449 static f64
    450 next_step(f64 s, u64 rand_state[4])
    451 {
    452 	if (s < ZERO) {
    453 		f64 r = random_uniform(rand_state);
    454 		s = -log(r + EPS);
    455 	}
    456 	return s;
    457 }
    459 static f64
    460 step_towards_boundary(Photon *p)
    461 {
    462 	f64 db;
    463 	if (p->dir.z < -ZERO) /* travel up */
    464 		db = -p->pos.z / p->dir.z;
    465 	else if (p->dir.z > ZERO) /* travel down */
    466 		db = (g_d - p->pos.z) / p->dir.z;
    467 	else
    468 		db = BIGVAL;
    469 	return db;
    470 }
    472 static void
    473 simulate_photon(Photon *p, WorkerCtx *ctx)
    474 {
    475 	f64 step = 0, boundary_dist = 0;
    476 	do {
    477 		step = next_step(step, ctx->rand_state);
    478 		boundary_dist = step_towards_boundary(p);
    479 		if (boundary_dist * g_mu_t <= step) {
    480 			move_photon(p, boundary_dist);
    481 			step -= boundary_dist * g_mu_t;
    482 			reflect_or_transmit_photon(p, ctx);
    483 		} else {
    484 			move_photon(p, step / g_mu_t);
    485 			absorb_photon(p);
    486 			scatter_photon(p, ctx->rand_state);
    487 		}
    488 		check_photon_life(p, ctx->rand_state);
    489 	} while (!p->dead);
    490 }
    492 static void
    493 bump_completed_photons(u64 n)
    494 {
    495 	pthread_mutex_lock(&completed_photons.lock);
    496 	completed_photons.N += n;
    497 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&completed_photons.lock);
    498 }
    500 static void *
    501 worker_thread(WorkerCtx *ctx)
    502 {
    503 	ctx->Rd_xy = alloc_mat2(g_Nx, g_Ny);
    504 	random_init(ctx->rand_state);
    506 	u64 photons_per_line = ctx->N_photons / g_N_lines;
    507 	u64 photon_inc = photons_per_line / 32;
    508 	u64 photon_rem = photons_per_line % 32;
    509 	for (u64 n_lines = g_N_lines; n_lines; n_lines--) {
    510 		/* cache starting photon; nothing here changes between runs */
    511 		Photon p_start;
    512 		Vec3Pol pos = g_incidence_location;
    513 		pos.theta += (n_lines - 1) * 2 * M_PI / (f64)g_N_lines;
    514 		launch_photon(&p_start, pos);
    515 		for (u64 i = 1; i <= photons_per_line; i++) {
    516 			Photon p;
    517 			s8 src  = {(u8 *)&p_start, sizeof(Photon)};
    518 			s8 dest = {(u8 *)&p, sizeof(Photon)};
    519 			mem_copy(src, dest);
    520 			simulate_photon(&p, ctx);
    521 			if (ctx->highest_photon_scatters < p.n_scatters)
    522 				ctx->highest_photon_scatters = p.n_scatters;
    523 			if (i % photon_inc == 0)
    524 				bump_completed_photons(photon_inc);
    525 		}
    527 		if (photon_rem != 0)
    528 			bump_completed_photons(photon_rem);
    529 	}
    530 	ctx->done = 1;
    532 	return NULL;
    533 }
    535 static void
    536 print_progress(time_t start)
    537 {
    538 	pthread_mutex_lock(&completed_photons.lock);
    539 	u64 n_done = completed_photons.N;
    540 	pthread_mutex_unlock(&completed_photons.lock);
    542 	time_t now;
    543 	time(&now);
    544 	u64 total_photons = g_N_photons_per_line * g_N_lines;
    545 	u64 n_remaining = total_photons - n_done;
    546 	f64 photons_per_sec = n_done / (f64)(now - start);
    547 	f64 sec_per_line = g_N_photons_per_line / photons_per_sec;
    549 	u32 secs_remaining = n_remaining / photons_per_sec;
    550 	u32 mins_remaining = secs_remaining / 60;
    551 	secs_remaining = secs_remaining % 60;
    553 	/* move cursor to line start and clear line */
    554 	fputs("\r\x1B[K", stdout);
    555 	printf("\x1B[36;1m[%0.1f%%]\x1B[0m Photons/s = %0.2f | s/Line: %0.2f "
    556 	       "| Time Remaining: %um %us", 100 * n_done/(f64)total_photons,
    557 	       photons_per_sec, sec_per_line, mins_remaining, secs_remaining);
    558 	fflush(stdout);
    559 }
    561 int
    562 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    563 {
    564 	if (argv[1])
    565 		g_output_prefix = (s8){(u8 *)argv[1], c_str_len(argv[1])};
    566 	if (g_output_prefix.len == 0)
    567 		die("usage: %s [output_prefix]\n", argv[0]);
    569 	/* TODO: check if prefix contains directories and ensure they exist */
    571 	init();
    573 	Mat2 Rd_xy_out = alloc_mat2(g_Nx, g_Ny);
    575 	pthread_mutex_init(&completed_photons.lock, NULL);
    577 	u32 thread_count = os_get_core_count();
    578 	WorkerCtx *threads = calloc(thread_count, sizeof(WorkerCtx));
    579 	if (!threads)
    580 		die("couldn't allocate thread contexts\n");
    582 	/* adjust counts to make n_photons an even
    583 	 * multiple of both g_N_lines and thread_count */
    584 	g_N_photons_per_line += g_N_lines * g_N_photons_per_line % thread_count;
    585 	u64 n_photons = g_N_lines * g_N_photons_per_line / thread_count;
    587 	time_t tstart, tend;
    588 	time(&tstart);
    589 	for (u32 i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) {
    590 		threads[i].N_photons = n_photons;
    591 		pthread_create(&threads[i].id, NULL,
    592 		               (void *(*)(void*))worker_thread, &threads[i]);
    593 	}
    595 	b32 all_done = 0;
    596 	u32 highest_photon_scatters = 0;
    597 	while (!all_done) {
    598 		struct timespec ts = { .tv_sec = 1, .tv_nsec = 0 };
    599 		nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
    600 		all_done = 1;
    601 		for (u32 i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) {
    602 			all_done &= threads[i].done;
    603 			if (threads[i].done && threads[i].Rd_xy.b) {
    604 				sum_mat2(Rd_xy_out, threads[i].Rd_xy);
    605 				free(threads[i].Rd_xy.b);
    606 				threads[i].Rd_xy.b = NULL;
    607 				if (highest_photon_scatters < threads[i].highest_photon_scatters)
    608 					highest_photon_scatters = threads[i].highest_photon_scatters;
    609 			}
    610 		}
    611 		print_progress(tstart);
    612 	}
    613 	time(&tend);
    614 	u32 secs = tend - tstart;
    615 	printf("\nRuntime: %um %us\n", secs/60, secs%60);
    616 	printf("Highest Number of Scatters: %u\n", highest_photon_scatters);
    618 	pthread_mutex_destroy(&completed_photons.lock);
    620 	dump_output(g_output_prefix, Rd_xy_out);
    622 	return 0;
    623 }