
Ultrasound Beamforming Implemented with OpenGL
git clone anongit@rnpnr.xyz:ogl_beamforming.git
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lpf.glsl (2309B)

      1 /* See LICENSE for license details. */
      2 #version 460 core
      3 layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 32, local_size_z = 1) in;
      5 layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly restrict buffer buffer_1 {
      6 	vec2 in_data[];
      7 };
      9 layout(std430, binding = 2) writeonly restrict buffer buffer_2 {
     10 	vec2 out_data[];
     11 };
     13 layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform parameters {
     14 	uvec4 channel_mapping[64];    /* Transducer Channel to Verasonics Channel */
     15 	uvec4 uforces_channels[32];   /* Channels used for virtual UFORCES elements */
     16 	vec4  lpf_coefficients[16];   /* Low Pass Filter Cofficients */
     17 	uvec4 dec_data_dim;           /* Samples * Channels * Acquisitions; last element ignored */
     18 	uvec4 output_points;          /* Width * Height * Depth; last element ignored */
     19 	uvec2 rf_raw_dim;             /* Raw Data Dimensions */
     20 	vec2  output_min_xz;          /* [m] Top left corner of output region */
     21 	vec2  output_max_xz;          /* [m] Bottom right corner of output region */
     22 	vec2  xdc_min_xy;             /* [m] Min center of transducer elements */
     23 	vec2  xdc_max_xy;             /* [m] Max center of transducer elements */
     24 	uint  channel_offset;         /* Offset into channel_mapping: 0 or 128 (rows or columns) */
     25 	uint  lpf_order;              /* Order of Low Pass Filter */
     26 	float speed_of_sound;         /* [m/s] */
     27 	float sampling_frequency;     /* [Hz]  */
     28 	float center_frequency;       /* [Hz]  */
     29 	float focal_depth;            /* [m]   */
     30 	float time_offset;            /* pulse length correction time [s]   */
     31 	uint  uforces;                /* mode is UFORCES (1) or FORCES (0) */
     32 	float off_axis_pos;           /* Where on the 3rd axis to render the image (Hercules only) */
     33 };
     35 void main()
     36 {
     37 	uint time_sample = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
     38 	uint channel     = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y;
     39 	uint acq         = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z;
     41 	/* NOTE: offsets for storing the results in the output data */
     42 	uint stride = dec_data_dim.x * dec_data_dim.y;
     43 	uint off    = dec_data_dim.x * channel + stride * acq + time_sample;
     45 	vec2 sum = vec2(0);
     46 	for (int i = 0; i <= lpf_order; i++) {
     47 		vec2 data;
     48 		/* NOTE: make sure data samples come from the same acquisition */
     49 		if (time_sample > i) data = in_data[off - i];
     50 		else                 data = vec2(0);
     51 		sum += lpf_coefficients[i / 4][i % 4] * data;
     52 	}
     53 	out_data[off] = sum;
     54 }