
Ultrasound Beamforming Implemented with OpenGL
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uforces.glsl (5548B)

      1 /* See LICENSE for license details. */
      2 #version 460 core
      3 layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 32) in;
      5 layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly restrict buffer buffer_1 {
      6 	vec2 rf_data[];
      7 };
      9 layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform parameters {
     10 	uvec4 channel_mapping[64];    /* Transducer Channel to Verasonics Channel */
     11 	uvec4 uforces_channels[32];   /* Channels used for virtual UFORCES elements */
     12 	vec4  lpf_coefficients[16];   /* Low Pass Filter Cofficients */
     13 	vec4  xdc_origin;             /* [m] Corner of transducer being treated as origin */
     14 	vec4  xdc_corner1;            /* [m] Corner of transducer along first axis (arbitrary) */
     15 	vec4  xdc_corner2;            /* [m] Corner of transducer along second axis (arbitrary) */
     16 	uvec4 dec_data_dim;           /* Samples * Channels * Acquisitions; last element ignored */
     17 	uvec4 output_points;          /* Width * Height * Depth; last element ignored */
     18 	vec4  output_min_coord;       /* [m] Top left corner of output region */
     19 	vec4  output_max_coord;       /* [m] Bottom right corner of output region */
     20 	uvec2 rf_raw_dim;             /* Raw Data Dimensions */
     21 	uint  channel_offset;         /* Offset into channel_mapping: 0 or 128 (rows or columns) */
     22 	uint  lpf_order;              /* Order of Low Pass Filter */
     23 	float speed_of_sound;         /* [m/s] */
     24 	float sampling_frequency;     /* [Hz]  */
     25 	float center_frequency;       /* [Hz]  */
     26 	float focal_depth;            /* [m]   */
     27 	float time_offset;            /* pulse length correction time [s]   */
     28 	uint  uforces;                /* mode is UFORCES (1) or FORCES (0) */
     29 	float off_axis_pos;           /* [m] Position on screen normal to beamform in 2D HERCULES */
     30 	int   beamform_plane;         /* Plane to Beamform in 2D HERCULES */
     31 };
     33 layout(rg32f, location = 1) writeonly uniform image3D u_out_data_tex;
     34 layout(r32f,  location = 2) uniform writeonly image3D u_out_volume_tex;
     36 layout(location = 3) uniform int   u_volume_export_pass;
     37 layout(location = 4) uniform ivec3 u_volume_export_dim_offset;
     39 #define C_SPLINE 0.5
     41 #if 1
     42 /* NOTE: interpolation is unnecessary if the data has been demodulated and not decimated */
     43 vec2 cubic(uint ridx, float t)
     44 {
     45 	return rf_data[ridx + uint(floor(t))];
     46 }
     47 #else
     48 /* NOTE: See: https://cubic.org/docs/hermite.htm */
     49 vec2 cubic(uint ridx, float x)
     50 {
     51 	mat4 h = mat4(
     52 		 2, -3,  0, 1,
     53 		-2,  3,  0, 0,
     54 		 1, -2,  1, 0,
     55 		 1, -1,  0, 0
     56 	);
     58 	uint  xk = uint(floor(x));
     59 	float t  = (x  - float(xk));
     60 	vec4  S  = vec4(t * t * t, t * t, t, 1);
     62 	vec2 P1 = rf_data[ridx + xk];
     63 	vec2 P2 = rf_data[ridx + xk + 1];
     64 	vec2 T1 = C_SPLINE * (P2 - rf_data[ridx + xk - 1]);
     65 	vec2 T2 = C_SPLINE * (rf_data[ridx + xk + 2] - P1);
     67 	vec4 C1 = vec4(P1.x, P2.x, T1.x, T2.x);
     68 	vec4 C2 = vec4(P1.y, P2.y, T1.y, T2.y);
     69 	return vec2(dot(S, h * C1), dot(S, h * C2));
     70 }
     71 #endif
     73 void main()
     74 {
     75 	vec3  voxel        = vec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
     76 	ivec3 out_coord    = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
     77 	ivec3 out_data_dim = imageSize(u_out_data_tex);
     79 	/* NOTE: Convert voxel to physical coordinates */
     80 	vec4 xdc_size      = xdc_corner1 + xdc_corner2 - xdc_origin;
     81 	vec3 edge1         = xdc_corner1.xyz - xdc_origin.xyz;
     82 	vec3 edge2         = xdc_corner2.xyz - xdc_origin.xyz;
     83 	vec3 xdc_normal    = cross(edge2, edge1);
     84 	xdc_normal        /= length(xdc_normal);
     85 	vec4 output_size   = abs(output_max_coord - output_min_coord);
     86 	vec3 image_point   = output_min_coord.xyz + voxel * output_size.xyz / out_data_dim.xyz;
     88 	/* TODO: fix the math so that the image plane can be aritrary */
     89 	image_point.y = 0;
     91 	/* NOTE: used for constant F# dynamic receive apodization. This is implemented as:
     92 	 *
     93 	 *                  /        |x_e - x_i|\
     94 	 *    a(x, z) = cos(F# * π * ----------- ) ^ 2
     95 	 *                  \        |z_e - z_i|/
     96 	 *
     97 	 * where x,z_e are transducer element positions and x,z_i are image positions. */
     98 	float f_num    = 0.5; //output_size.z / output_size.x;
     99 	float apod_arg = f_num * 0.5 * radians(360) / abs(image_point.z);
    101 	/* NOTE: for I-Q data phase correction */
    102 	float iq_time_scale = (lpf_order > 0)? radians(360) * center_frequency : 0;
    104 	/* NOTE: lerp along a line from one edge of the xdc to the other in the imaging plane */
    105 	vec3 delta      = edge1 / float(dec_data_dim.y);
    106 	vec3 xdc_start  = xdc_origin.xyz;
    107 	xdc_start      += edge2 / 2;
    109 	vec3 starting_point = image_point - xdc_start;
    111 	/* NOTE: offset correcting for both pulse length and low pass filtering */
    112 	float time_correction = time_offset + lpf_order / sampling_frequency;
    114 	vec2 sum   = vec2(0);
    115 	/* NOTE: skip first acquisition in uforces since its garbage */
    116 	uint ridx  = dec_data_dim.y * dec_data_dim.x * uforces;
    117 	for (uint i = uforces; i < dec_data_dim.z; i++) {
    118 		uint base_idx = (i - uforces) / 4;
    119 		uint sub_idx  = (i - uforces) % 4;
    121 		vec3  focal_point   = uforces_channels[base_idx][sub_idx] * delta + xdc_start;
    122 		float transmit_dist = distance(image_point, focal_point);
    123 		vec3 rdist = starting_point;
    124 		for (uint j = 0; j < dec_data_dim.y; j++) {
    125 			float dist = transmit_dist + length(rdist);
    126 			float time = dist / speed_of_sound + time_correction;
    128 			/* NOTE: apodization value for this transducer element */
    129 			float a  = cos(clamp(abs(apod_arg * rdist.x), 0, 0.25 * radians(360)));
    130 			a        = a * a;
    132 			vec2 p   = cubic(ridx, time * sampling_frequency);
    133 			p       *= vec2(cos(iq_time_scale * time), sin(iq_time_scale * time));
    134 			sum     += p * a;
    135 			rdist   -= delta;
    136 			ridx    += dec_data_dim.x;
    137 		}
    138 	}
    139 	float val = length(sum);
    140 	imageStore(u_out_data_tex, out_coord, vec4(val, val, 0, 0));
    141 }