Commit: 279af83c64dde4005ca28fb37720c64b1a7daccc
Parent: 5a224469f4cc28ed30fd334bf9447a595b821f6b
Author: Randy Palamar
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:47:57 -0600
lib: fix generated function names
The funny thing is that the library actually exported the correct
names because the header was used for symbol names and the rest of
the function signature matched.
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/helpers/ogl_beamformer_lib.c b/helpers/ogl_beamformer_lib.c
@@ -417,18 +417,17 @@ beamform_data_synchronized(char *pipe_name, char *shm_name, void *data, uv2 data
X(f32_complex, f32, 2)
#define X(name, type, scale) \
-b32 beamformer_data_synchronized_ ##name(char *pipe_name, char *shm_name, type *data, \
- uv2 data_dim, uv4 output_points, f32 *out_data, \
- i32 timeout_ms) \
-{ \
- b32 result = 0; \
- u64 data_size = data_dim.x * data_dim.y * sizeof(type) * scale; \
- if (data_size <= U32_MAX) { \
- g_bp->raw.rf_raw_dim = data_dim; \
- result = beamform_data_synchronized(pipe_name, shm_name, data, data_dim, data_size, \
- output_points, out_data, timeout_ms); \
- } \
- return result; \
+b32 beamform_data_synchronized_ ##name(char *pipe_name, char *shm_name, type *data, uv2 data_dim, \
+ uv4 output_points, f32 *out_data, i32 timeout_ms) \
+{ \
+ b32 result = 0; \
+ u64 data_size = data_dim.x * data_dim.y * sizeof(type) * scale; \
+ if (data_size <= U32_MAX) { \
+ g_bp->raw.rf_raw_dim = data_dim; \
+ result = beamform_data_synchronized(pipe_name, shm_name, data, data_dim, data_size, \
+ output_points, out_data, timeout_ms); \
+ } \
+ return result; \