Commit: 1fb13ea17746211c6d4ee1afd0e1bad8e628b314
Parent: 41ae3fe3e901a8fb1ae3be7c5e118a48e7ec65d4
Author: Randy Palamar
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:48:07 -0600
ui: add a helper for drawing outlined text
M | ui.c | | | 19 | ++++++++++++++++--- |
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ui.c b/ui.c
@@ -474,6 +474,20 @@ draw_text(Font font, s8 text, v2 pos, Color colour)
return result;
+/* NOTE(rnp): expensive but of the available options in raylib this gives the best results */
+static v2
+draw_outlined_text(Font font, s8 text, v2 pos, f32 outline_width, Color colour, Color outline)
+ draw_text(font, text, sub_v2(pos, (v2){.x = outline_width, .y = outline_width}), outline);
+ draw_text(font, text, sub_v2(pos, (v2){.x = outline_width, .y = -outline_width}), outline);
+ draw_text(font, text, sub_v2(pos, (v2){.x = -outline_width, .y = outline_width}), outline);
+ draw_text(font, text, sub_v2(pos, (v2){.x = -outline_width, .y = -outline_width}), outline);
+ v2 result = draw_text(font, text, pos, colour);
+ return result;
static v2
draw_text_r(Font font, s8 text, v2 pos, f32 rotation, Color colour)
@@ -746,9 +760,8 @@ draw_beamform_view(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena a, v2 mouse, BeamformerFrameView *v
.x = vr.pos.x + vr.size.w - txt_s.w - 16,
.y = vr.pos.y + 4,
- draw_text(ui->font, shader, txt_p, fade(BLACK, 0.8));
- txt_p = floor_v2(sub_v2(txt_p, (v2){.x = -1.5, .y = -1.5}));
- draw_text(ui->font, shader, txt_p, colour_from_normalized(RULER_COLOUR));
+ draw_outlined_text(ui->font, shader, txt_p, 1,
+ colour_from_normalized(RULER_COLOUR), BLACK);
/* TODO(rnp): store converted ruler points instead of screen points */