Commit: 3c15024686afa2e88b236230314e6b3ca6fd904b
Parent: ac7b64eba8356574a00c77fbf623bfef6d4efd67
Author: Randy Palamar
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 06:43:08 -0600
ui: fix some progress bar jank
This can't be fully fixed using raylib's rounded rectangle drawing
code because it is too broken - filled versus lines for the same
rectangle give inconsistent output.
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ui.c b/ui.c
@@ -1386,15 +1386,13 @@ draw_compute_progress_bar(BeamformerUI *ui, Arena arena, ComputeProgressBar *sta
state->display_t = CLAMP01(state->display_t);
if (state->display_t > (1.0 / 255.0)) {
- Rect prect = {.pos = r.pos, .size = {.w = r.size.w, .h = ui->font.baseSize}};
- prect = scale_rect_centered(prect, (v2){.x = 1, .y = 0.7});
- Rect fprect = prect;
- fprect.size.w *= *state->progress;
- DrawRectangleRounded(fprect.rl, 2, 0, fade(colour_from_normalized(HOVERED_COLOUR),
+ Rect outline = {.pos = r.pos, .size = {.w = r.size.w, .h = ui->font.baseSize}};
+ outline = scale_rect_centered(outline, (v2){.x = 0.96, .y = 0.7});
+ Rect filled = outline;
+ filled.size.w *= *state->progress;
+ DrawRectangleRounded(filled.rl, 2, 0, fade(colour_from_normalized(HOVERED_COLOUR),
- DrawRectangleRoundedLinesEx(prect.rl, 2, 0, 4.0, colour_from_normalized(BG_COLOUR));
- prect = scale_rect_centered(prect, (v2){.x = 0.99, .y = 1});
- DrawRectangleRoundedLinesEx(prect.rl, 2, 0, 2.5, fade(BLACK, state->display_t));
+ DrawRectangleRoundedLinesEx(outline.rl, 2, 0, 3, fade(BLACK, state->display_t));
v2 result = {.x = r.size.w, .y = ui->font.baseSize};