Commit: de13041fc7b016d02ca216295a19a10c931a9c82
Parent: fe1a4408d3e30269ff2ae6f8d0a9a4879beb350e
Author: Randy Palamar
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 12:22:53 -0600
ui: don't shoehorn every listing through the same loop
Technically I could keep the modifiable elements grouped and loop
over them but I want to be able to add buttons and they will need
a hover_t but not the other parameters. This may require slightly
more code but it keeps things clear.
This also fixes the issue with scrolling on a selected field and
scrolling the dB value causing a recompute of the output.
M | beamformer.h | | | 9 | ++++++++- |
M | main.c | | | 1 | - |
M | ui.c | | | 265 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------- |
3 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)
diff --git a/beamformer.h b/beamformer.h
@@ -56,9 +56,16 @@ enum gl_vendor_ids {
typedef struct {
+ f32 *value;
+ v2 limits;
+ f32 scale;
+ b32 compute;
+} BPModifiableValue;
+typedef struct {
char buf[64];
+ BPModifiableValue store;
i32 buf_len;
- i32 idx;
i32 cursor;
f32 cursor_hover_p;
f32 cursor_blink_t;
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ main(void)
ctx.font_spacing = 0;
ctx.font = LoadFontEx("assets/IBMPlexSans-Bold.ttf", ctx.font_size, 0, 0);
- = -1; = 1;
init_fragment_shader_ctx(&ctx.fsctx, ctx.out_data_dim);
diff --git a/ui.c b/ui.c
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ measure_text(Font font, s8 text)
return result;
-static void
+static v2
draw_text(Font font, s8 text, v2 pos, f32 rotation, Color colour)
@@ -79,6 +79,15 @@ draw_text(Font font, s8 text, v2 pos, f32 rotation, Color colour)
off.x += font.recs[idx].width;
+ v2 result = {.x = off.x, .y = font.baseSize};
+ return result;
+static b32
+bmv_equal(BPModifiableValue *a, BPModifiableValue *b)
+ b32 result = (uintptr_t)a->value == (uintptr_t)b->value;
+ return result;
static void
@@ -188,49 +197,135 @@ do_text_input(BeamformerCtx *ctx, i32 max_disp_chars, Rect r, Color colour)
-struct listing {
- s8 prefix;
- s8 suffix;
- f32 *data;
- v2 limits;
- f32 data_scale;
- b32 editable;
static void
-parse_and_store_text_input(BeamformerCtx *ctx, struct listing *l)
+parse_and_store_text_input(BeamformerCtx *ctx, BPModifiableValue *bmv)
f32 new_val = strtof(ctx->is.buf, NULL);
/* TODO: allow zero for certain listings only */
- if (new_val / l->data_scale != *l->data) {
- *l->data = new_val / l->data_scale;
- CLAMP(*l->data, l->limits.x, l->limits.y);
- ctx->flags |= DO_COMPUTE;
- ctx->params->upload = 1;
+ if (new_val / bmv->scale != *bmv->value) {
+ *bmv->value = new_val / bmv->scale;
+ CLAMP(*bmv->value, bmv->limits.x, bmv->limits.y);
+ if (bmv->compute) {
+ ctx->flags |= DO_COMPUTE;
+ ctx->params->upload = 1;
+ }
static void
-set_text_input_idx(BeamformerCtx *ctx, i32 idx, struct listing *l, struct listing *last_l, Rect r,
- v2 mouse)
+set_text_input_idx(BeamformerCtx *ctx, BPModifiableValue bmv, Rect r, v2 mouse)
- if (ctx->is.idx != idx && ctx->is.idx != -1)
- parse_and_store_text_input(ctx, last_l);
- ctx->is.buf_len = snprintf(ctx->is.buf, ARRAY_COUNT(ctx->is.buf), "%0.02f",
- *l->data * l->data_scale);
+ if (ctx-> && !bmv_equal(&ctx->, &bmv))
+ parse_and_store_text_input(ctx, &ctx->;
- ctx->is.idx = idx;
+ ctx-> = bmv;
ctx->is.cursor = -1;
- if (ctx->is.idx == -1)
+ if (ctx-> == NULL)
+ ctx->is.buf_len = snprintf(ctx->is.buf, ARRAY_COUNT(ctx->is.buf), "%0.02f",
+ *bmv.value * bmv.scale);
ASSERT(CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse.rl, r.rl));
ctx->is.cursor_hover_p = (mouse.x - r.pos.x) / r.size.w;
+/* NOTE: This is kinda sucks no matter how you spin it. If we want the values to be
+ * left aligned in the center column we need to know the longest prefix length but
+ * without either hardcoding one of the prefixes as the longest one or measuring all
+ * of them we can't know this ahead of time. For now we hardcode this and manually
+ * adjust when needed */
+#define LISTING_LINE_PAD 10.0f
+static Rect
+do_value_listing(s8 prefix, s8 suffix, f32 value, Font font, Arena a, Rect r)
+ v2 suffix_s = measure_text(font, suffix);
+ v2 suffix_p = {.x = r.pos.x + r.size.w - suffix_s.w, .y = r.pos.y};
+ s8 txt = s8alloc(&a, 64);
+ txt.len = snprintf((char *), txt.len, "%0.02f", value);
+ v2 txt_p = {.x = r.pos.x + LISTING_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH, .y = r.pos.y};
+ draw_text(font, prefix, r.pos, 0, colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR));
+ draw_text(font, txt, txt_p, 0, colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR));
+ draw_text(font, suffix, suffix_p, 0, colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR));
+ r.pos.y += suffix_s.h + LISTING_LINE_PAD;
+ r.size.y -= suffix_s.h + LISTING_LINE_PAD;
+ return r;
+static Rect
+do_text_input_listing(s8 prefix, s8 suffix, BPModifiableValue bmv, BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena a,
+ Rect r, v2 mouse, f32 *hover_t)
+ s8 buf = s8alloc(&a, 64);
+ s8 txt = buf;
+ v2 txt_s;
+ if (bmv_equal(&bmv, &ctx-> {
+ txt_s = measure_text(ctx->font, (s8){.len = ctx->is.buf_len,
+ .data = (u8 *)ctx->is.buf});
+ } else {
+ txt.len = snprintf((char *), buf.len, "%0.02f", *bmv.value * bmv.scale);
+ txt_s = measure_text(ctx->font, txt);
+ }
+ Rect edit_rect = {
+ .pos = {.x = r.pos.x + LISTING_LEFT_COLUMN_WIDTH, .y = r.pos.y},
+ .size = {.x = txt_s.w + TEXT_BOX_EXTRA_X, .y = txt_s.h}
+ };
+ b32 collides = CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse.rl, edit_rect.rl);
+ if (collides && !bmv_equal(&bmv, &ctx-> *hover_t += TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * ctx->dt;
+ else *hover_t -= TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * ctx->dt;
+ CLAMP01(*hover_t);
+ if (collides) {
+ f32 mouse_scroll = GetMouseWheelMove();
+ if (mouse_scroll) {
+ if (bmv_equal(&bmv, &ctx->
+ set_text_input_idx(ctx, (BPModifiableValue){0}, (Rect){0}, mouse);
+ *bmv.value += mouse_scroll / bmv.scale;
+ CLAMP(*bmv.value, bmv.limits.x, bmv.limits.y);
+ if (bmv.compute) {
+ ctx->flags |= DO_COMPUTE;
+ ctx->params->upload = 1;
+ }
+ txt.len = snprintf((char *), buf.len, "%0.02f", *bmv.value * bmv.scale);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!collides && bmv_equal(&bmv, &ctx-> && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
+ set_text_input_idx(ctx, (BPModifiableValue){0}, (Rect){0}, mouse);
+ txt.len = snprintf((char *), buf.len, "%0.02f", *bmv.value * bmv.scale);
+ }
+ if (collides && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT))
+ set_text_input_idx(ctx, bmv, edit_rect, mouse);
+ Color colour = colour_from_normalized(lerp_v4(FG_COLOUR, HOVERED_COLOUR, *hover_t));
+ if (!bmv_equal(&bmv, &ctx-> {
+ draw_text(ctx->font, txt, edit_rect.pos, 0, colour);
+ } else {
+ do_text_input(ctx, 7, edit_rect, colour);
+ }
+ v2 suffix_s = measure_text(ctx->font, suffix);
+ v2 suffix_p = {.x = r.pos.x + r.size.w - suffix_s.w, .y = r.pos.y};
+ draw_text(ctx->font, prefix, r.pos, 0, colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR));
+ draw_text(ctx->font, suffix, suffix_p, 0, colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR));
+ r.pos.y += suffix_s.h + LISTING_LINE_PAD;
+ r.size.y -= suffix_s.h + LISTING_LINE_PAD;
+ return r;
static void
draw_settings_ui(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena arena, Rect r, v2 mouse)
@@ -238,99 +333,57 @@ draw_settings_ui(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena arena, Rect r, v2 mouse)
f32 minx = bp->output_min_xz.x + 1e-6, maxx = bp->output_max_xz.x - 1e-6;
f32 minz = bp->output_min_xz.y + 1e-6, maxz = bp->output_max_xz.y - 1e-6;
- struct listing listings[] = {
- { s8("Sampling Rate:"), s8("[MHz]"), &bp->sampling_frequency, {{0, 0}}, 1e-6, 0 },
- { s8("Center Frequency:"), s8("[MHz]"), &bp->center_frequency, {{0, 100e6}}, 1e-6, 1 },
- { s8("Speed of Sound:"), s8("[m/s]"), &bp->speed_of_sound, {{0, 1e6}}, 1, 1 },
- { s8("Min X Point:"), s8("[mm]"), &bp->output_min_xz.x, {{-1e3, maxx}}, 1e3, 1 },
- { s8("Max X Point:"), s8("[mm]"), &bp->output_max_xz.x, {{minx, 1e3}}, 1e3, 1 },
- { s8("Min Z Point:"), s8("[mm]"), &bp->output_min_xz.y, {{0, maxz}}, 1e3, 1 },
- { s8("Max Z Point:"), s8("[mm]"), &bp->output_max_xz.y, {{minz, 1e3}}, 1e3, 1 },
- { s8("Dynamic Range:"), s8("[dB]"), &ctx->fsctx.db, {{-120, 0}}, 1, 1 },
- { s8("Y Position:"), s8("[mm]"), &bp->off_axis_pos, {{minx*2, maxx*2}}, 1e3, 1 },
- };
- static f32 hover_t[ARRAY_COUNT(listings)];
+ Rect draw_r = r;
+ draw_r.pos.y += 20;
+ draw_r.pos.x += 20;
+ draw_r.size.x -= 20;
+ draw_r.size.y -= 20;
- f32 line_pad = 10;
+ draw_r = do_value_listing(s8("Sampling Frequency:"), s8("[MHz]"),
+ bp->sampling_frequency * 1e-6, ctx->font, arena, draw_r);
- v2 pos = r.pos;
- pos.y += 50;
- pos.x += 20;
+ static f32 hover_t[8];
+ i32 idx = 0;
- s8 txt = s8alloc(&arena, 64);
- f32 max_prefix_len = 0;
- for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(listings); i++) {
- struct listing *l = listings + i;
- draw_text(ctx->font, l->prefix, pos, 0, colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR));
- v2 prefix_s = measure_text(ctx->font, l->prefix);
- if (prefix_s.w > max_prefix_len)
- max_prefix_len = prefix_s.w;
- pos.y += prefix_s.y + line_pad;
- }
- pos.y = 50 + r.pos.y;
- for (i32 i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(listings); i++) {
- struct listing *l = listings + i;
- s8 tmp_s = txt;
- v2 txt_s;
- if (ctx->is.idx == i) {
- txt_s = measure_text(ctx->font, (s8){.len = ctx->is.buf_len,
- .data = (u8 *)ctx->is.buf});
- } else {
- tmp_s.len = snprintf((char *), txt.len, "%0.02f", *l->data * l->data_scale);
- txt_s = measure_text(ctx->font, tmp_s);
- }
+ BPModifiableValue bmv;
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&bp->center_frequency, (v2){.y = 100e6}, 1e-6, 1};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Center Frequency:"), s8("[MHz]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- Rect edit_rect = {
- .pos = {.x = pos.x + max_prefix_len + 15, .y = pos.y},
- .size = {.x = txt_s.w + TEXT_BOX_EXTRA_X, .y = txt_s.h}
- };
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&bp->speed_of_sound, (v2){.y = 1e6}, 1, 1};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Speed of Sound:"), s8("[m/s]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- b32 collides = CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse.rl, edit_rect.rl);
- if (collides && l->editable) {
- f32 mouse_scroll = GetMouseWheelMove();
- if (mouse_scroll) {
- *l->data += mouse_scroll / l->data_scale;
- CLAMP(*l->data, l->limits.x, l->limits.y);
- ctx->flags |= DO_COMPUTE;
- ctx->params->upload = 1;
- }
- }
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&bp->output_min_xz.x, (v2){.x = -1e3, .y = maxx}, 1e3, 1};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Min X Point:"), s8("[mm]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- if (collides && ctx->is.idx != i && l->editable)
- hover_t[i] += TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * ctx->dt;
- else
- hover_t[i] -= TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * ctx->dt;
- CLAMP01(hover_t[i]);
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&bp->output_max_xz.x, (v2){.x = minx, .y = 1e3}, 1e3, 1};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Max X Point:"), s8("[mm]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- if (!collides && ctx->is.idx == i && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
- set_text_input_idx(ctx, -1, l, l, (Rect){0}, mouse);
- tmp_s.len = snprintf((char *), txt.len, "%0.02f", *l->data * l->data_scale);
- }
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&bp->output_min_xz.y, (v2){.y = maxz}, 1e3, 1};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Min Z Point:"), s8("[mm]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- if (collides && l->editable && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT))
- set_text_input_idx(ctx, i, l, listings + ctx->is.idx, edit_rect, mouse);
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&bp->output_max_xz.y, (v2){.x = minz, .y = 1e3}, 1e3, 1};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Max Z Point:"), s8("[mm]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- Color colour = colour_from_normalized(lerp_v4(FG_COLOUR, HOVERED_COLOUR, hover_t[i]));
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&bp->off_axis_pos, (v2){.x = minx * 2, .y = maxx * 2}, 1e3, 1};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Y Position:"), s8("[mm]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- if (ctx->is.idx != i) {
- draw_text(ctx->font, tmp_s, edit_rect.pos, 0, colour);
- } else {
- do_text_input(ctx, 7, edit_rect, colour);
- }
+ bmv = (BPModifiableValue){&ctx->fsctx.db, (v2){.x = -120}, 1, 0};
+ draw_r = do_text_input_listing(s8("Dynamic Range:"), s8("[dB]"), bmv, ctx, arena,
+ draw_r, mouse, hover_t + idx++);
- v2 suffix_s = measure_text(ctx->font, l->suffix);
- v2 suffix_p = {.x = r.pos.x + r.size.w - suffix_s.w, .y = pos.y};
- draw_text(ctx->font, l->suffix, suffix_p, 0, colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR));
- pos.y += txt_s.y + line_pad;
- }
+ /* NOTE: if C compilers didn't suck this would be a static assert */
+ ASSERT(idx <= ARRAY_COUNT(hover_t));
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) && ctx->is.idx != -1) {
- struct listing *l = listings + ctx->is.idx;
- set_text_input_idx(ctx, -1, l, l, (Rect){0}, mouse);
- }
+ if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) && ctx->
+ set_text_input_idx(ctx, (BPModifiableValue){0}, (Rect){0}, mouse);
@@ -338,8 +391,6 @@ draw_settings_ui(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena arena, Rect r, v2 mouse)
static void
draw_debug_overlay(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena arena, Rect r)
- DrawFPS(20, 20);
uv2 ws = ctx->window_size;
static s8 labels[CS_LAST] = {