Commit: 226250857983e111c7c95a6f1ae1b4e7f8d14b16
Parent: 62bbff4a2ff30b91b07091e89d8d893800180cbb
Author: Randy Palamar
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 22:00:35 -0600
ui: simplify input text box drawing
By overlaying an active input on top of the underlying display the
rest of the code can simplified.
There is probably a further compression to be made in
draw_variable_list but I will leave it for now.
M | ui.c | | | 170 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------------ |
1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ui.c b/ui.c
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
#define NORMALIZED_FG_COLOUR colour_from_normalized(FG_COLOUR)
-/* NOTE: extra space used for allowing mouse clicks after end of text */
-#define TEXT_BOX_EXTRA_X 10.0f
#define TEXT_HOVER_SPEED 5.0f
#define RULER_TEXT_PAD 10.0f
@@ -150,7 +147,6 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct {
Variable *hot;
- Variable *next_hot;
Variable *active;
InteractionType hot_type;
InteractionType type;
@@ -275,7 +271,7 @@ add_variable(Variable *group, Arena *arena, s8 name, u32 flags, VariableType typ
static Variable *
add_variable_group(Variable *group, Arena *arena, s8 name, VariableGroupType type, Font font)
- Variable *result = add_variable(group, arena, name, 0, VT_GROUP, font);
+ Variable *result = add_variable(group, arena, name, V_INPUT, VT_GROUP, font);
result-> = type;
return result;
@@ -489,6 +485,16 @@ draw_text_r(Font font, s8 text, v2 pos, f32 rotation, Color colour)
static Rect
+extend_rect_centered(Rect r, v2 delta)
+ r.size.w += delta.x;
+ r.size.h += delta.y;
+ r.pos.x -= delta.x / 2;
+ r.pos.y -= delta.y / 2;
+ return r;
+static Rect
scale_rect_centered(Rect r, v2 scale)
Rect or = r;
@@ -511,11 +517,11 @@ center_align_text_in_rect(Rect r, s8 text, Font font)
static b32
-hover_text(v2 mouse, Rect text_rect, f32 *hover_t, b32 can_advance)
+hover_text(v2 mouse, Rect text_rect, f32 *hover_t)
b32 hovering = CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse.rl, text_rect.rl);
- if (hovering && can_advance) *hover_t += TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * dt_for_frame;
- else *hover_t -= TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * dt_for_frame;
+ if (hovering) *hover_t += TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * dt_for_frame;
+ else *hover_t -= TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * dt_for_frame;
*hover_t = CLAMP01(*hover_t);
return hovering;
@@ -605,7 +611,7 @@ do_scale_bar(BeamformerUI *ui, Stream *buf, ScaleBar *sb, ScaleBarDirection dire
sb->screen_space_to_value = (v2){.x = (*sb->max_value - *sb->min_value) / tick_rect.size.x};
- if (hover_text(mouse, tick_rect, &sb->hover_t, 1)) {
+ if (hover_text(mouse, tick_rect, &sb->hover_t)) {
Variable *var = zero_struct(&ui->scratch_variable->base);
var->u.generic = sb;
var->type = VT_SCALE_BAR;
@@ -770,49 +776,29 @@ draw_beamform_view(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena a, v2 mouse, BeamformerFrameView *v
static v2
-draw_text_beamformer_variable(BeamformerUI *ui, Arena arena, Variable *var, v2 at, v2 mouse, f32 *hover_t)
- InputState *is = &ui->text_input_state;
- /* TODO(rnp): hack: but this will be removed soon */
- b32 var_text_active = (ui->interaction.type == IT_TEXT) &&
- ((var->type == ui->>type) &&
- ((iptr)var->u.generic == (iptr)ui->>u.generic));
- Stream buf = arena_stream(&arena);
- if (var_text_active) stream_append_s8(&buf, (s8){.len = is->buf_len, .data = is->buf});
- else stream_append_variable(&buf, var);
- v2 text_size = measure_text(ui->font, stream_to_s8(&buf));
- Rect text_rect = {.pos = at, .size = text_size};
- if (hover_text(mouse, text_rect, hover_t, !var_text_active)) {
- ui-> = var;
- is->hot_rect = text_rect;
- is->hot_font = &ui->font;
- }
- Color colour = colour_from_normalized(lerp_v4(FG_COLOUR, HOVERED_COLOUR, *hover_t));
- draw_text(ui->font, stream_to_s8(&buf), text_rect.pos, colour);
- return text_size;
-static v2
draw_beamformer_variable(BeamformerUI *ui, Arena arena, Variable *var, v2 at, v2 mouse, f32 *hover_t)
Stream buf = arena_stream(&arena);
stream_append_variable(&buf, var);
- v2 text_size = measure_text(ui->font, stream_to_s8(&buf));
- Rect text_rect = {.pos = at, .size = text_size};
- if (hover_text(mouse, text_rect, hover_t, 1))
- ui-> = var;
- Color colour = colour_from_normalized(lerp_v4(FG_COLOUR, HOVERED_COLOUR, *hover_t));
- draw_text(ui->font, stream_to_s8(&buf), text_rect.pos, colour);
+ Color colour = NORMALIZED_FG_COLOUR;
+ if (var->flags & V_INPUT) {
+ v2 text_size = measure_text(ui->font, stream_to_s8(&buf));
+ Rect text_rect = {.pos = at, .size = text_size};
+ text_rect = extend_rect_centered(text_rect, (v2){.x = 8});
+ if (hover_text(mouse, text_rect, hover_t)) {
+ if (var->flags & V_TEXT) {
+ InputState *is = &ui->text_input_state;
+ is->hot_rect = text_rect;
+ is->hot_font = &ui->font;
+ }
+ ui-> = var;
+ }
- return text_size;
+ colour = colour_from_normalized(lerp_v4(FG_COLOUR, HOVERED_COLOUR, *hover_t));
+ }
+ return draw_text(ui->font, stream_to_s8(&buf), at, colour);
#define LISTING_CENTER_PAD 12.0f
@@ -837,19 +823,10 @@ draw_variable_list(BeamformerUI *ui, Variable *group, Rect r, v2 mouse)
BeamformerVariable *bv = (BeamformerVariable *)var;
suffix = bv->suffix;
- advance = draw_text(ui->font, bv->, at, NORMALIZED_FG_COLOUR).y;
+ advance = draw_text(ui->font, var->name, at, NORMALIZED_FG_COLOUR).y;
at.x += x_off + LISTING_CENTER_PAD;
- if (var->flags & V_INPUT && var->flags & V_TEXT) {
- draw_text_beamformer_variable(ui, ui->arena, var, at, mouse, &bv->hover_t);
- } else if (var->flags & V_INPUT) {
- draw_beamformer_variable(ui, ui->arena, var, at, mouse, &bv->hover_t);
- } else {
- Arena arena = ui->arena;
- Stream buf = arena_stream(&arena);
- stream_append_variable(&buf, var);
- draw_text(ui->font, stream_to_s8(&buf), at, NORMALIZED_FG_COLOUR);
- }
+ draw_beamformer_variable(ui, ui->arena, var, at, mouse, &bv->hover_t);
while (var) {
if (var->next) {
@@ -885,13 +862,9 @@ draw_variable_list(BeamformerUI *ui, Variable *group, Rect r, v2 mouse)
case VG_V4: {
at.x += draw_text(ui->font, s8("{"), at, NORMALIZED_FG_COLOUR).x;
while (v) {
- if (v->base.flags & V_TEXT) {
- at.x += draw_text_beamformer_variable(ui, ui->arena,
- (Variable *)v, at, mouse, &v->hover_t).x;
- } else {
- at.x += draw_beamformer_variable(ui, ui->arena,
- (Variable *)v, at, mouse, &v->hover_t).x;
- }
+ at.x += draw_beamformer_variable(ui, ui->arena,
+ (Variable *)v, at, mouse, &v->hover_t).x;
v = (BeamformerVariable *)v->;
if (v) at.x += draw_text(ui->font, s8(", "), at,
@@ -989,31 +962,40 @@ draw_debug_overlay(BeamformerCtx *ctx, BeamformFrame *frame, Arena arena, Rect r
static void
-draw_input_cursor(BeamformerUI *ui, v2 mouse)
+draw_active_text_box(BeamformerUI *ui, Variable *var)
InputState *is = &ui->text_input_state;
Rect box = is->rect;
- s8 buf = {.len = is->buf_len, .data = is->buf};
- v2 ts = measure_text(ui->font, buf);
- v2 pos = {.x = box.pos.x, .y = box.pos.y + (box.size.y - ts.y) / 2};
- bg.a = 0;
- Color cursor_colour = colour_from_normalized(lerp_v4(bg, FOCUSED_COLOUR,
- CLAMP01(is->cursor_blink_t)));
- buf.len = is->cursor;
- v2 sts = measure_text(ui->font, buf);
- f32 cursor_x = pos.x + sts.x;
- f32 cursor_width;
- if (is->cursor == is->buf_len) cursor_width = 20;
- else cursor_width = 4;
- Rect cursor_r = {
- .pos = {.x = cursor_x, .y = pos.y},
- .size = {.w = cursor_width, .h = ts.h},
+ s8 text = {.len = is->buf_len, .data = is->buf};
+ v2 text_size = measure_text(ui->font, text);
+ v2 text_position = {.x = box.pos.x, .y = box.pos.y + (box.size.h - text_size.h) / 2};
+ f32 cursor_width = (is->cursor == is->buf_len) ? 16 : 4;
+ f32 cursor_offset = measure_text(ui->font, (s8){.data =, .len = is->cursor}).w;
+ cursor_offset += text_position.x;
+ box.size.w = MAX(box.size.w, text_size.w + cursor_width);
+ Rect background = extend_rect_centered(box, (v2){.x = 12, .y = 8});
+ box = extend_rect_centered(box, (v2){.x = 8, .y = 4});
+ Rect cursor = {
+ .pos = {.x = cursor_offset, .y = text_position.y},
+ .size = {.w = cursor_width, .h = text_size.h},
- DrawRectanglePro(cursor_r.rl, (Vector2){0}, 0, cursor_colour);
+ v4 cursor_colour = FOCUSED_COLOUR;
+ cursor_colour.a = CLAMP01(is->cursor_blink_t);
+ f32 hover_t = 1;
+ if (var->type == VT_BEAMFORMER_VARIABLE)
+ hover_t = ((BeamformerVariable *)var)->hover_t;
+ DrawRectangleRounded(background.rl, 0.2, 0, fade(BLACK, 0.8));
+ DrawRectangleRounded(box.rl, 0.2, 0, colour_from_normalized(BG_COLOUR));
+ draw_text(*is->font, text, text_position,
+ colour_from_normalized(lerp_v4(FG_COLOUR, HOVERED_COLOUR, hover_t)));
+ DrawRectanglePro(cursor.rl, (Vector2){0}, 0, colour_from_normalized(cursor_colour));
static void
@@ -1104,21 +1086,27 @@ end_text_input(InputState *is, Variable *var)
BeamformerVariable *bv = (BeamformerVariable *)var;
ASSERT(bv->subtype == VT_F32);
scale = bv->params.display_scale;
+ bv->hover_t = 0;
f32 value = parse_f64((s8){.len = is->buf_len, .data = is->buf}) / scale;
ui_store_variable(var, &value);
static void
-update_text_input(InputState *is)
+update_text_input(InputState *is, Variable *var)
- if (is->cursor == -1)
- return;
+ ASSERT(is->cursor != -1);
is->cursor_blink_t += is->cursor_blink_scale * dt_for_frame;
if (is->cursor_blink_t >= 1) is->cursor_blink_scale = -1.5f;
if (is->cursor_blink_t <= 0) is->cursor_blink_scale = 1.5f;
+ if (var->type == VT_BEAMFORMER_VARIABLE) {
+ BeamformerVariable *bv = (BeamformerVariable *)var;
+ bv->hover_t -= 2 * TEXT_HOVER_SPEED * dt_for_frame;
+ bv->hover_t = CLAMP01(bv->hover_t);
+ }
/* NOTE: handle multiple input keys on a single frame */
i32 key = GetCharPressed();
while (key > 0) {
@@ -1354,10 +1342,10 @@ ui_interact(BeamformerCtx *ctx, BeamformerInput *input)
switch (is->type) {
case IT_NONE: break;
case IT_NOP: break;
- case IT_DISPLAY: display_interaction(ui, input->mouse); break;
- case IT_SCROLL: ui_end_interact(ctx, input->mouse); break;
- case IT_SET: ui_end_interact(ctx, input->mouse); break;
- case IT_TEXT: update_text_input(&ui->text_input_state); break;
+ case IT_DISPLAY: display_interaction(ui, input->mouse); break;
+ case IT_SCROLL: ui_end_interact(ctx, input->mouse); break;
+ case IT_SET: ui_end_interact(ctx, input->mouse); break;
+ case IT_TEXT: update_text_input(&ui->text_input_state, is->active); break;
case IT_DRAG: {
if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) {
ui_end_interact(ctx, input->mouse);
@@ -1491,6 +1479,6 @@ draw_ui(BeamformerCtx *ctx, BeamformerInput *input, BeamformFrame *frame_to_draw
draw_debug_overlay(ctx, frame_to_draw, ui->arena, lr);
if (ui->interaction.type == IT_TEXT)
- draw_input_cursor(ui, mouse);
+ draw_active_text_box(ui, ui->;