Commit: 4940910923dc59a36f6eaed57e6672e3d9d4c128
Parent: 9b0d67e1560e0a5c961192be8aea75bb72060585
Author: Randy Palamar
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 13:46:08 -0600
uforces/hercules: image is now computed in xdc space
This means that we compute a transform beforehand and shift the
image point accordingly. This transformation is calculated on the
CPU and sent to the GPU as a 3x3 matrix. This is probably better
than calculating it in every compute shader invocation but could
be measured.
7 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/beamformer.c b/beamformer.c
@@ -103,6 +103,29 @@ alloc_shader_storage(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena a)
glNamedBufferStorage(cs->hadamard_ssbo, hadamard_elements * sizeof(i32), hadamard, 0);
+static m3
+observation_direction_to_xdc_space(v3 direction, BeamformerParameters *bp, u32 idx)
+ /* TODO: multiple xdc support */
+ (void)idx;
+ v3 edge1 = sub_v3(bp->, bp->;
+ v3 edge2 = sub_v3(bp->, bp->;
+ v3 xdc_normal = cross(edge1, edge2);
+ xdc_normal.z = ABS(xdc_normal.z);
+ v3 e1 = normalize_v3(sub_v3(xdc_normal, direction));
+ v3 e2 = {.y = 1};
+ v3 e3 = normalize_v3(cross(e2, e1));
+ m3 result = {
+ .c[0] = (v3){.x = e3.x, .y = e2.x, .z = e1.x},
+ .c[1] = (v3){.x = e3.y, .y = e2.y, .z = e1.y},
+ .c[2] = (v3){.x = e3.z, .y = e2.z, .z = e1.z},
+ };
+ return result;
static b32
do_volume_computation_step(BeamformerCtx *ctx, enum compute_shaders shader)
@@ -224,14 +247,20 @@ do_compute_shader(BeamformerCtx *ctx, enum compute_shaders shader)
glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, csctx->rf_data_ssbos[input_ssbo_idx]);
glUniform3iv(csctx->volume_export_dim_offset_id, 1, (i32 []){0, 0, 0});
glUniform1i(csctx->volume_export_pass_id, 0);
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + ctx->out_texture_unit);
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, ctx->out_texture);
- glBindImageTexture(ctx->out_texture_unit, ctx->out_texture, 0, GL_TRUE, 0,
- glUniform1i(csctx->out_data_tex_id, ctx->out_texture_unit);
- glDispatchCompute(ORONE(ctx->out_data_dim.x / 32),
- ctx->out_data_dim.y,
- ORONE(ctx->out_data_dim.z / 32));
+ {
+ BeamformerParameters *bp = &ctx->params->raw;
+ m3 xdc_transform = observation_direction_to_xdc_space((v3){.z = 1}, bp, 0);
+ glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + ctx->out_texture_unit);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, ctx->out_texture);
+ glBindImageTexture(ctx->out_texture_unit, ctx->out_texture, 0, GL_TRUE, 0,
+ glUniform1i(csctx->out_data_tex_id, ctx->out_texture_unit);
+ glUniformMatrix3fv(csctx->xdc_transform_id, 1, GL_FALSE, xdc_transform.E);
+ glDispatchCompute(ORONE(ctx->out_data_dim.x / 32),
+ ctx->out_data_dim.y,
+ ORONE(ctx->out_data_dim.z / 32));
+ }
default: ASSERT(0);
diff --git a/beamformer.h b/beamformer.h
@@ -36,13 +36,6 @@ typedef union {
} v2;
typedef union {
- struct { f32 x, y, z; };
- struct { f32 w, h, d; };
- f32 E[3];
- Vector3 rl;
-} v3;
-typedef union {
struct { f32 x, y, z, w; };
struct { f32 r, g, b, a; };
struct { v3 xyz; f32 _1; };
@@ -53,6 +46,12 @@ typedef union {
} v4;
typedef union {
+ struct { v3 x, y, z; };
+ v3 c[3];
+ f32 E[9];
+} m3;
+typedef union {
struct { v2 pos, size; };
Rectangle rl;
} Rect;
@@ -187,11 +186,13 @@ typedef struct {
uv4 dec_data_dim;
uv2 rf_raw_dim;
i32 out_data_tex_id;
i32 mip_view_tex_id;
i32 mips_level_id;
i32 volume_export_pass_id;
i32 volume_export_dim_offset_id;
+ i32 xdc_transform_id;
} ComputeShaderCtx;
typedef struct {
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ reload_shaders(BeamformerCtx *ctx, Arena a)
csctx->volume_export_dim_offset_id = glGetUniformLocation(csctx->programs[CS_HERCULES],
+ csctx->xdc_transform_id = glGetUniformLocation(csctx->programs[CS_UFORCES],
+ "u_xdc_transform");
csctx->out_data_tex_id = glGetUniformLocation(csctx->programs[CS_UFORCES], "u_out_data_tex");
csctx->mip_view_tex_id = glGetUniformLocation(csctx->programs[CS_MIN_MAX], "u_mip_view_tex");
diff --git a/shaders/hercules.glsl b/shaders/hercules.glsl
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ layout(r32f, location = 2) uniform writeonly image3D u_out_volume_tex;
layout(location = 3) uniform int u_volume_export_pass;
layout(location = 4) uniform ivec3 u_volume_export_dim_offset;
+layout(location = 5) uniform mat3 u_xdc_transform;
#define C_SPLINE 0.5
@@ -73,27 +74,33 @@ vec2 cubic(uint ridx, float x)
-void main()
+vec3 calc_image_point(vec3 voxel)
- vec3 voxel = vec3( + vec3(u_volume_export_dim_offset);
- ivec3 out_coord = ivec3( + u_volume_export_dim_offset;
ivec3 out_data_dim;
if (u_volume_export_pass == 0) out_data_dim = imageSize(u_out_data_tex);
else out_data_dim = imageSize(u_out_volume_tex);
- /* NOTE: Convert pixel to physical coordinates */
- vec4 xdc_size = xdc_corner1 + xdc_corner2 - xdc_origin;
- vec3 edge1 = -;
- vec3 edge2 = -;
- vec3 xdc_normal = cross(edge2, edge1);
- xdc_normal /= length(xdc_normal);
vec4 output_size = abs(output_max_coord - output_min_coord);
vec3 image_point = + voxel * /;
if (u_volume_export_pass == 0)
image_point.y = off_axis_pos;
+ /* NOTE: move the image point into xdc space */
+ image_point = u_xdc_transform * image_point;
+ return image_point;
+void main()
+ vec3 voxel = vec3( + vec3(u_volume_export_dim_offset);
+ ivec3 out_coord = ivec3( + u_volume_export_dim_offset;
+ /* NOTE: Convert pixel to physical coordinates */
+ vec3 edge1 = -;
+ vec3 edge2 = -;
+ vec3 image_point = calc_image_point(voxel);
/* NOTE: used for constant F# dynamic receive apodization. This is implemented as:
* / |x_e - x_i|\
@@ -101,7 +108,7 @@ void main()
* \ |z_e - z_i|/
* where x,z_e are transducer element positions and x,z_i are image positions. */
- float f_num = output_size.z / output_size.x;
+ float f_num = 0.5;
float apod_arg = f_num * 0.5 * radians(360) / abs(image_point.z);
/* NOTE: for I-Q data phase correction */
diff --git a/shaders/uforces.glsl b/shaders/uforces.glsl
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ layout(r32f, location = 2) uniform writeonly image3D u_out_volume_tex;
layout(location = 3) uniform int u_volume_export_pass;
layout(location = 4) uniform ivec3 u_volume_export_dim_offset;
+layout(location = 5) uniform mat3 u_xdc_transform;
#define C_SPLINE 0.5
@@ -70,23 +71,29 @@ vec2 cubic(uint ridx, float x)
+vec3 calc_image_point(vec3 voxel)
+ ivec3 out_data_dim = imageSize(u_out_data_tex);
+ vec4 output_size = abs(output_max_coord - output_min_coord);
+ vec3 image_point = + voxel * /;
+ /* TODO: fix the math so that the image plane can be aritrary */
+ image_point.y = 0;
+ /* NOTE: move the image point into xdc space */
+ image_point = u_xdc_transform * image_point;
+ return image_point;
void main()
vec3 voxel = vec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
ivec3 out_coord = ivec3(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
- ivec3 out_data_dim = imageSize(u_out_data_tex);
/* NOTE: Convert voxel to physical coordinates */
- vec4 xdc_size = xdc_corner1 + xdc_corner2 - xdc_origin;
vec3 edge1 = -;
vec3 edge2 = -;
- vec3 xdc_normal = cross(edge2, edge1);
- xdc_normal /= length(xdc_normal);
- vec4 output_size = abs(output_max_coord - output_min_coord);
- vec3 image_point = + voxel * /;
- /* TODO: fix the math so that the image plane can be aritrary */
- image_point.y = 0;
+ vec3 image_point = calc_image_point(voxel);
/* NOTE: used for constant F# dynamic receive apodization. This is implemented as:
@@ -95,7 +102,7 @@ void main()
* \ |z_e - z_i|/
* where x,z_e are transducer element positions and x,z_i are image positions. */
- float f_num = 0.5; //output_size.z / output_size.x;
+ float f_num = 0.5;
float apod_arg = f_num * 0.5 * radians(360) / abs(image_point.z);
/* NOTE: for I-Q data phase correction */
diff --git a/util.c b/util.c
@@ -64,6 +64,43 @@ round_down_power_of_2(u32 a)
return result;
+static v3
+cross(v3 a, v3 b)
+ v3 result = {
+ .x = a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y,
+ .y = a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z,
+ .z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x,
+ };
+ return result;
+static v3
+sub_v3(v3 a, v3 b)
+ v3 result = {
+ .x = a.x - b.x,
+ .y = a.y - b.y,
+ .z = a.z - b.z,
+ };
+ return result;
+static f32
+length_v3(v3 a)
+ f32 result = a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z;
+ return result;
+static v3
+normalize_v3(v3 a)
+ f32 length = length_v3(a);
+ v3 result = {.x = a.x / length, .y = a.y / length, .z = a.z / length};
+ return result;
static void
fill_hadamard(i32 *m, u32 dim)
diff --git a/util.h b/util.h
@@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ typedef union {
u32 E[4];
} uv4;
+typedef union {
+ struct { f32 x, y, z; };
+ struct { f32 w, h, d; };
+ f32 E[3];
+} v3;
#include "util.c"
#endif /* _UTIL_H_ */